Learn How To Utilize Intentionality To Transform Your Anxiety Into Prosperity
I'm Dr. Tracy Thomas, PhD, the world’s first Emotional Scientist, renowned psychologist, and Wall Street Journal best-selling author of The Commitments: A Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Transformation.
Today I'm talking about the way to solve money issues, and it's not what many people think it is. In fact, you can’t solve the problem with more of what created it.
Using Intentionality for More Money:
Many times, people want to throw money at money problems: they may opt to spend years in therapy trying to understand their issues, or they might put significant funds into trying different “get-rich quick” schemes, or habitually buying lottery tickets. People think they can solve money issues with money, but they need to solve it with intentionality. And if you really want to be successful, then intentionality around money and success is essential.
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Intentionality means thinking outside of your current circumstances and envisioning what it is you actually do want. Once you are clear on that, intentionality helps keep you focused on that, no matter what life throws your way. This is because when your entire focus is on your most ideal life with your most ideal income and assets, you transform anything you're dealing with into an opportunity for profitability from everything and everyone you encounter.
This can be particularly tricky with money issues, because so many people are conditioned to believe that they can’t have what they want or that they can’t be financially successful. There’s a pattern of scarcity in our society - of feeling that something that isn't there. This is actually not true; we are living in a time of the greatest abundance in human history.
Replacing these reactive, limiting dysfunctional patterns with intentional ones, is a key part of the work at Dr. Tracy Inc., and why my INTENTIONAL TRANSFORMATION© programs are so effective for anything you want to transform.
My team routinely works with influential, high-impact individuals to help them replace ideas of scarcity with abundance. If you want $50 million, you have to be in intentional patterns to being worth $50 million. We help you condition it, live it, say it, and do it until you have no resistance - and make it a reality.
I am affectionately known as, “Dr. T,” and am a Wall St. Journal, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble best-selling author and the world's first Emotional Scientist, who specializes in helping highly-driven people harness their emotional strength and live an elevated life.
Designed specifically for high-level achievers, I've created a groundbreaking method that goes beyond “coping techniques” and surface-level strategies. It’s the path to rapid emotional evolution and growth. You can learn more about me at DrTracyInc.com, where you can book a free consultation to assess your intentional capacity compared to what you'd like it to be, allowing you to get a highly valuable assessment of what it takes for you to become your most intentional self, putting distracting and impacting reactivity in the rear view mirror, and making focus, creativity, productivity and prosperity a way of existing for life.
Much more on how to earn your full potential can also be found in my book, The Commitments, which is an Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Wall St. Journal bestseller. https://www.drtracyinc.com/the-commitments