Human-Developed Content – A Key Advantage Amidst A Surge Of AI-Generated Pieces

Oct 26, 2024

As many brands turn to AI-based tools to generate content at scale, human-developed content has emerged as something that both Google and consumers value more highly, explains MACH10X.

To be effective, content marketing must achieve two central outcomes: it must be easy to find and attract the interest of potential clients.

In the past 12 months, Google has announced two major core updates, both focused on promoting more content that is “genuinely useful” and reducing low-quality content created just for search ranking.

Digital marketing agency MACH10X explains that this is where human content creators still hold a significant advantage over AI-generated marketing materials.

Content That Ranks

If you’ve ever read an article that used weird language or went over the top with superlatives, there’s a good chance it was generated by AI. As mentioned, Google is also paying attention to the growing gap between helpful content and gibberish, and it can have a significant impact on your search rankings.

As the old saying goes, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” and for the time being, that applies to the convenience and speed of AI-generated content. If you want your content to be Google-friendly, you will likely have much better search visibility if you engage a team of humans to create some high-quality articles, blogs, and videos about your brand.

That doesn’t mean AI should be binned, entirely, however. MACH10X has taken an innovative approach to incorporate AI into its content marketing method. The firm engages human writers to create several initial pieces and then uses AI to repurpose that content across several additional formats, such as slideshows, infographics, and podcasts.

Making A Connection

Remember we said that content needs to achieve two things? Well, it turns out that humans are also better at the second pillar of effective content marketing: connecting and engaging with people. Humans are better at connecting with humans? Who knew?

People-first content not only draws your audience in initially, it also serves to build trust and establish the reputation of your brand, explains MACH10X. Consumers are reading articles to inform their purchasing decisions. What’s the best software for my type of business? How do I improve my home on a small budget? Content that answers those questions clearly and from a position of expertise will always win the day.

What The Future Holds

There’s no doubt that AI is evolving rapidly, and the gap between human-generated content and pieces produced by a machine will probably grow smaller. Will AI ever sound just like a real human? Will it ever understand your target customers and produce content that's truly helpful? That remains to be seen, and it’s a slightly scary prospect, to be honest.

In the meantime, the Mark 1 Human still has an important role to play in your marketing efforts, especially if you want content that ranks and makes a meaningful connection.

This content is provided in partnership with MACH10X and is intended for informational purposes only. The views, opinions, and advice expressed in this article are solely those of MACH10X and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of any other individual, organization, or entity.

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