If You’re Looking For A Keynote Speaker On Human-Centered AI, Get This Expert

Nov 13, 2023

In need of an engaging and knowledgeable speaker who also brings a message of hope to your Q4 event or convention? Then you need to get Rob Tillman on stage. Find out in this article why he’s the best person for the job.

In addition to ballooning inflation and geopolitical conflict, one topic that's causing people stress nowadays is the looming threat of emerging tech to their livelihoods. The problem is real enough to warrant a name: AI anxiety—a term that headlined a BBC piece on AI-induced worker anxiety, published early this year.

If you're worried about the mental health of your staff and want to deliver a more hopeful message on the issue before the year ends—and learn new things that you could apply within your organization along the way—then get Rob Tillman on the phone pronto.

Rob, Copy Chief's Chief Innovation Officer and Forbes Technology Council member, is still accepting inquiries from groups seeking a keynote speaker on hot-button business topics, which include emerging tech like AI.

You can learn more by booking a free exploratory call at https://robtillman.com/

Human-Centered Technology

Owing to his success as an entrepreneur and technologist, Rob has become a preferred choice for companies and event organizers looking for a versatile subject matter expert who can speak on a variety of topics related to business. Unlike other experts, however, he brings a message of hope and optimism, championing a human-centric approach to innovation. This philosophy is explored in detail in "Innovation Has Two 'I's' – And So Do the Humans It Empowers," one of the talks he regularly delivers and can be requested through his keynote speaking service.

"If you want your employees to actively contribute to the growth of your business, the last thing you want to deliver is doomsay about AI," Rob explained. "Technology must empower individuals and businesses, and in this talk, I'll describe a human-centric approach to adopting this new technology."

Prior to the development of this material, Rob created UNIGNORABLE, a trademarked method of authority building that imparts to the audience a series of actionable steps that professionals can use to steadily build credibility within their respective niches.

You can find more info about his unique concepts at https://linkedin.com/in/robtillman

Preferred High-Tech Industry Speaker

By inviting Rob, you'll be giving your staff the opportunity to hear from someone who has spoken to Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, SpaceX, and other high-technology companies. In addition to speaking engagements in the US, he has also graced events in France, the UK, China, and the UAE, addressing diverse audiences, including startup founders, C-level executives, marketers, and professionals from many different industries.

Here's what previous attendees are saying:

I had the privilege of attending Rob Tillman's engaging session on 'The Art of Unlearning,' and I must say it was an absolute game-changer. Rob's energetic and entertaining speaking style immediately grabbed my attention, and his contrarian approach to success left a lasting impact.

After 40 years of speaking and training over five million business professionals in 85 countries, it’s hard to impress me. So, when I tell you Rob Tillman masterfully engages, entertains, and educates in the top 1%, that’s a message you can take to the bank.

If you want to learn more about Rob's speaking credentials, visit https://www.espeakers.com/s/mpi/profile/47351

And for updates, follow him on social media:

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/robtillman

X.com (formerly twitter.com): https://x.com/robtillman

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tillmanrob

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