Having your own line of merchandise just got a lot easier, with the new all-in-one e-commerce solution offered by Boosted Company.
Build your own brand with this custom platform. The recently announced service utilizes proprietary software to provide you with a personalized, turnkey webstore preloaded with your own print-on-demand branded products.
Go to https://boostedcompany.com for more information.
With merchandise remaining a popular means to build brand awareness and generate revenue, Boosted Company’s new solution allows you to add this powerful marketing tool to your repertoire with minimal effort.
Merchandise has been used to promote brands for decades, but it is only in recent years that the concept has been adopted by online entrepreneurs. It is increasingly common to see influencers on social media platforms such as YouTube with a range of their own ‘merch’.
Despite the benefits that branded merchandise can have, both financially and from a marketing perspective, the process of selecting suitable products and managing stock can be a daunting process. As an all-in-one service, Boosted Company now provides you with your own e-commerce platform that can manage the entire process.
Product selection is handled through the company’s proprietary Slingly software. As a user of the service, you are able to select from a range of men’s and women’s apparel, jewelry, and mugs, with the selection being expanded regularly. The number and type of products available to your business are dictated by the level of package you have subscribed to.
Boosted Company works with a number of partner fulfillment providers across the US. Being a print-on-demand service, you are not required to invest in or carry stock, removing one of the many hurdles that small businesses face when considering a line of merchandise.
All elements of the web store itself, including payment processing, product colors and sizes, reporting, and analytics, are handled by Boosted Company’s proprietary GrooveKart platform. The software also provides you with a number of powerful features, such as native applications and a built-in support desk.
A company representative stated: “We work with some of the biggest and growing ‘on demand’ printing companies in the U.S.A. Your site will be directly connected into our network so we can assure you that delivery is top-quality, on time, and has world-class customer support.”
Discover how easy it is to promote your brand with merch. Click on https://boostedcompany.com so you can learn more!