Increase Qualified Leads & Conversions In New Orleans With Local Call Generator

Jun 19, 2024

With One Click SEO (+1-985-250-0787) and its innovative Local Call Generator service, you can massively increase inbound leads and grow your New Orleans business!

Local Services Ads from Google are changing the SEO game and play a huge role in marketing for New Orleans businesses. But imagine you could take it a step further and have a marketing agency pre-screen your inbound leads, ensuring that only real customers get through to you? With One Click SEO, that's what you get!

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Outsource the LSA ads process

The agency helps you to get verified by Google, streamlining the advertising process and allowing you to get listed faster. They also maintain a consistent feedback loop, which encourages Google to maintain ad visibility over time.

Research conducted by The Loop Marketing reveals that when Local Services Ads are present in search results, 25.3% of all clicks go to paid results - underscoring the impact that LSAs can have if you're looking to reach more ready-to-buy customers.

Only pay for ACTUAL leads

Unlike traditional PPC advertising, where you pay for every click regardless of its quality, LSAs offer a more cost-effective approach. With One Click SEO's Local Call Generator service, you only pay for qualified calls, rather than merely paying for impressions or clicks that may not translate into actual leads.

One Click SEO's team screens each lead generated through the Local Call Generator service to ensure its authenticity before forwarding the call to the business. This helps eliminate unqualified or fraudulent inquiries, ensuring that you receive only genuine leads.

Increase calls and reduce missed customers

The team explains that if you're unable to answer a call immediately, the prospect is more likely to leave a voicemail because they have already provided their details to the screening agent, allowing you to follow up later.

A spokesperson states: "The problem with most Local Services Ads is that initially, they start strong only to have the incoming phone calls dry up over time. Local Call Generator doesn't just set up and optimize your account but we make sure that your ads keep showing and outperform your competitors' ads."

Don't miss this opportunity to supercharge your lead generation. Talk to One Click SEO today!

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