17 Scientifically Proven Reasons Why Indian Women Live Much Longer Than Men
According to a report by WHO in 2009, women in India live much longer than men. It is also scientifically proven that women outlive men because of their lifestyle habits and behaviors. But some scientists around the world also argued that life-expectancy in women doesn’t have to do with lifestyle, as it all lies in genes.
So, why do women actually live longer than men? When scientists keep arguing about the possibilities, the internet has easily found out the possible reasons with definitive proofs. Here they are…
1. Because women would never climb the electric post and fix wires with bare hands like this…
2. Because being an electrician is really tough, and only a few of them can handle their job like this…
3. This guy who discovered a way to dry clothes faster.
4. Now, this is called heights of stupidity. This guy jumps into tiger enclosure, scares off the animal, and does yoga like an idiot.
5. It’s too hot out here! A simple example of how Indian jugaads fix everyday’s problems easily.
6. And this dude. Like a boss.
7. Just one ‘wrong step’ away from landing with broken legs.
8. These two dudes are not at all afraid of heights.
9. Now, will you please stop complaining about how tough your job is?
10. Young artists risking their life to paint the most awesome art ever.
11. That train stunt by Salman Khan in KICK is too fake. See, how this old man does…
12. And here is the most idiotic stunt in the history of stunts.
13. The guy on the right has some BALLS. 🙂
14. Because that day these guys couldn’t find any long ladder.

Via lolindian
15. Caution: This stunt is performed by experts. Never try it yourself.
16. ‘Living life dangerously’