Industry Experts Explain New AI Voice Licensing Requirements For Commercial Use

Sep 26, 2024

The legal world is moving faster than ever to keep up with the rapid development of AI. This new guide from Voices explains the ins and outs of copyright law as it relates to AI voice-over projects.

AI & The Importance Of Treading Lightly

In 2024, we are well and truly in uncharted territory when it comes to copyright law and fair use. A system that has been around for a half-century at this point is now breaking down under the weight of rapid technological development. So, how do we make sure we are staying safe from legal trouble in this rapidly evolving landscape?

To read the full guide on copyright in the AI voice industry, visit

The answer to that question is not completely clear at the moment, but luckily for us, there are those among us willing to test those boundaries, usually by brazenly flaunting commonly held ethical boundaries. Those are rare cases, though; AI use in the business world is most often not harmful, but instead exists in a kind of gray area - the worst kind of area to be in if you are trying to avoid a lawsuit.

One area where the boundaries are being tested now more than ever is in the world of AI voices. Individuals throughout the vocal work industry are, if you'll forgive the expression, raising their voices about the dangers of AI cloning and the impact it will have on the industry. As such, the legal world is scrambling to decide where the boundary between fair use and theft lies, and what businesses should be doing to avoid getting in trouble.

New Guide From Voices

Voices, a platform dedicated to connecting businesses with vocal talent, brings us some answers to the questions you might have about AI voice-over in your business model, while also raising some interesting new prospects for the future of the industry.

This guide arrives as the debate regarding AI voice cloning heats up in the wake of the SAG AFTRA strike, the outcome of which may form the basis for an ethical framework in the AI voice space. Several lawsuits have also already been filed by those who feel as though their rights have been violated after their voices were cloned and used without their consent - something which this guide seeks to unpack.

Copyright & AI Voice Over

As the guide explains, using previously unlicensed AI voices will require an agreement with the individual whose voice was cloned, just as if they were doing the work themselves. The potential pitfalls inherent in this process are easy to avoid, as they go on to detail, given the sheer number of fully licensed AI voice studios currently available on the market - including Voices’ own AI studio.

Using an AI studio can largely circumvent, or at least automate, the licensing requirements detailed at the beginning of the guide, given that most major studios have already negotiated fair-use contracts with their talent. Voices still encourages diligence, however; as they explain, studios such as Udio AI have been fined heavily in the past for failing to secure the proper licensing agreements prior to establishing their platform.

Understanding Fair Use

A key point made by the guide is that fair use, which has been the governing principle behind copyright law in the US since the mid-1970s, does not apply in cases of unauthorized vocal cloning. There are, however, different regulations in place depending on the scale of your project, a fact which you should consider prior to licensing an AI voice.

Read More

This is the latest of several Voices blog entries dedicated to the intricacies of copyright law in the voice-over industry. Given the rapidly evolving legal landscape surrounding AI-powered technology in general, you should make sure to check back frequently for updates and additional information.

Read more great blog entries, or find out more about the Voices AI studio at

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