
Inflation Risk In Retirement Planning: Investment Period & Real Rate Of Return

Oct 18, 2023

If you’re worried about how inflation might affect your savings, Assets helps you understand how to account for inflation risk in your long-term investment strategy.

Worried about inflation and how it might eat away at your hard-earned savings?

You're not alone.

As inflation rates continue to skyrocket, the friendly team at Assets helps you understand how inflation risks can affect your retirement savings and investments over time, and offers practical methods for you to minimize losses.

The company's guide covers key topics relating to inflation and retirement planning, such as assumed rate of return based on historical data, investment period, and compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for your savings and investment funds.

Check it out at https://assets.net/retirement-planning-what-inflation-rate-should-i-use

A recent report from CBS News shows that at least 25% of Americans have been forced to reduce the amount of money they save for retirement due to increased inflation, and inflation can also mean that any money you save can lose much of its value over time, putting you at risk in the future. The Assets guide spells out the correlation between inflation rates and investment return, so you can make prudent financial choices for yourself and your family.

“Retirement planning involves a lot of financial decisions, and one of the most important is estimating the inflation rate you should use when developing your plans,” says a spokesperson.

The guide explains why it's important to consider historical data when estimating a future rate of inflation, and also outlines ways for you to calculate longevity, or the length of time you expect to be drawing from retirement funds in your post-work years. You'll also learn about average fluctuations that have occurred in the rate of inflation over long periods of time in the United States, and how to calculate inflation-adjusted returns.

Strategies to increase expected returns are also discussed, as the guide shows you how more aggressive methods of asset allocation in stocks and higher-risk accounts can lead to greater returns, offsetting the effects of inflation. Additionally, the Assets team explains rates of return by asset class within an investment portfolio, the connection between compound annual growth rate and inflation, and how these factors can affect the way you might choose to invest over a long period of time.

Take greater control of your financial future with tips and techniques from Assets!

Learn more at https://assets.net

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