IRS Might Owe You A Huge ERTC Refund! Get Your Tax Credit Fast With This Tool

Jan 5, 2023

Find out what the accounting professionals at national CPA firm LP Consulting can secure for your business under the ERTC. Fill out a quick qualifying questionnaire and let LP Consulting get you up to $26,000 per employee.

IRS Might Owe You A Huge ERTC Refund! Get Your Tax Credit Fast With This Tool

If you're a business owner who did their part over the course of the pandemic by retaining your staff during lockdown, you are most likely due a pretty sizeable reward from the government.

LP Consulting helps you find out how much you can claim, and gets your refund mailed to you directly. Even if you took out a PPP loan, if you kept your staff on the payroll during COVID you're owed an ERTC refund. In fact, recently implemented program changes that bumped refunds up from $5,000 per employee to $7,000 mean the few minutes it takes to see what you're owed can pay off in spades.

Find out if you qualify at no cost to you, and no obligation either. Check it out at

The ERTC was introduced in 2020 as part of CARES - the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Act. It rewards you for helping keep the American economy buoyant during a very challenging time.

LP Consulting helps you figure out your tax credit with a quick questionnaire and easy-to-use calculator.

Unlike the PPP loan program that banks and financial advisors were happy to help business owners like you secure because they were paid an administrative fee for each loan signed, the ERTC is not a loan but a tax compliance and refund vehicle that is significantly more complicated. And no one's getting a built-in kickback from this program because it's designed to help those who worked for it. People like you.

If you began business operations after February 15, 2020, or you've been in operation for years, you're potentially eligible for a tax credit of up to $26,000 per employee.

Turn your qualification and filing process over to LP Consulting at no cost and no obligation, because who has time to wade through all those numbers besides the tax consultants that love this stuff?

You can access the four-step service at the LP Consulting website, where everything is integrated. Start by submitting your completed questionnaire and get your secured ERTC application link emailed to you. This ensures your privacy and security, and makes for a seamless, compliant process. Next, upload your 941 returns, any PPP loan documentation, and your raw payroll data to the portal.

From there, LP Consulting calculates your tax credit and prepares and submits your 941-X amended payroll return. This is where it gets great because once this process is complete the IRS mails you a cheque.

It's yours, and you can do anything you want with it.

Over the last few months, LP Consulting has helped a business consulting firm get a $44,900 tax credit, a design agency get a $162,979 credit, and a restaurant group get a $1,120,000 credit.

Want to be next?

With a quick and easy online application, LP Consulting helps you access your tax credits fast.

You deserve more than just a pat on the back for all that you've done over the last three years. Find out how you can access your ERTC refund at

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