Jesse Coomer is releasing his practical guide to breathwork. Nothing Esoteric. Nothing “woo woo.” What you will find in this book can be applied to your breathwork today to improve your life.
Renowned Breathing Coach Jesse Coomer is launching his book, "A Practical Guide to Breathwork." The book is set to go live today and is available through Amazon and Audible and is expected to become a big hit with fans of the Breathwork world.
More information on the book can be found here:
This is the second book Jesse has authored.
It's written with the aim of teaching people how to breathe better to positively influence their mental and physical well-being. There's also particular excitement about this launch because Jesse will reveal his secrets on how to use breath to practically communicate to your physiology.
A Practical Guide to Breathwork sets its main focus on using breathing to communicate to your physiology and psychology in predictable and replicable ways using nothing more than focused conscious breathing. Readers will likely find a particular interest in how practical and applicable the content is to their breathwork. The book's cover art was created by the author himself and A Practical Guide to Breathwork is being released by the author (self-published).
Jesse Coomer has a background as a breathworker, Level 3 Wim Hof Method Instructor, Cold Training Expert, and a Professor of English at Vincennes University of Indiana. Their background helped shape the creation of the book when in 2009 he began a life transformation mission that led him to discover how human physiology and psychology often conflict with the modern world.
When asked about why they wrote the book, Jesse said: "This is the book I wish I had years ago when I began my breathwork journey."
Whether you're an experienced breathworker or you've just started your journey - this book is going to help.
Jesse hopes that the book will help breathwork practitioners enjoy the benefits and practical application of breathwork so they can experience the benefits every single day. At one point, there were several challenges, between being a full-time Professor of English, managing a YouTube channel with 20,000 subscribers and trying to keep up with his six-year old son.
Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here: