
Leading Logan Circle Psychotherapist Helps Kids Or Young Adults Tackle Stress

Dec 11, 2024

True North Psychotherapy (202-599-0522) is reaching out to children and teens throughout the Logan Circle area to offer comprehensive therapy services.

A Silent Crisis

Children, teens, and young adults across America are embroiled in what can only be described as a silent battle. Feelings of hopelessness are nearing an all-time high - one study from the APA found that the average child between that ages of 9 and 17 scored higher on the anxiety index than most psychiatric ward patients in the 1950s. It is clear that something must be done.

To get high quality help for your child in Washington D.C., visit http://www.truenorthpsych.com/

Thankfully, modern cognitive behavioral therapy techniques are highly effective in the treatment of individuals impacted by this crisis. Children and teens especially tend to respond well to CBT and report feeling more well-adjusted after only a few sessions.

That is why True North Psychotherapy is bringing their proven techniques to the young people of the Logan Circle area, at their location near DuPont Circle. Lead therapist Ariel VanDoren is ready and waiting to apply her evidence-based methodologies to help children and young adults triumph over hopelessness.

The Methodology

Ariel describes her approach to psychotherapy as a blend of modalities, combining cognitive behavioral therapy with dialectical behavioral therapy to address client concerns at all levels. She says that she attempts to bridge the gap between thought and action, leading patients to confront their problems head-on while also feeling safe throughout the process. Through the application of her empathy-first technique, she also seeks to address academic pressures and traumatic situations to open a path toward recovery.

A Growing Problem

With most recent reporting painting a bleak picture of an American youth under siege by stress, Ariel believes that we must work together to put the tools necessary for recovery and healthy coping in the hands of the younger generation.

Compounding factors have led to a generation of young adults and children who are turning to harmful coping mechanisms to escape their stress. This, Ariel explains, is the primary driver behind her service model, as she leads the effort to help break these negative patterns of thought in D.C.’s youth.

In Her Own Words

Ariel states on her website, “Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are intertwined with our behavior and the view of our own self-worth, which in turn colors our perspective of life and the quality of our interpersonal relationships. The core values and client-centered foundation of True North Psychotherapy are designed to take a holistic therapy approach that allows my clients the opportunity not merely to survive, but to thrive.”

Schedule A Consultation

True North Psychotherapy is available now to offer consultations to new patients; get insurance information and more details about Ariel VanDoren and her methodologies at http://www.truenorthpsych.com/

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