
League City Best Drainage System for Flood-Prone Yards With Heavy Clay Soil

Dec 6, 2024

Got seasonal flooding issues? Then, League City Drainage and Irrigation (409-572-0824) is here to help, identifying the underlying cause and providing drainage solutions.

Local League City Drainage Expert

If you live on the Texas Gulf Coast, you've probably experienced flooding at some point in recent years. But if it's a problem that keeps coming back, you might have issues with your drainage. League City Drainage and Irrigation are local professionals, offering installations of yard drainage especially suitable for flood-prone gardens with heavy clay soil.

>>Get a free quote for a drainage system at: https://drainmyyardleaguecity.com

The contractor is conveniently located in El Lago, just a short drive away from League City and other Gulf Bay areas like La Porte, Baytown, and Dickinson.

Reliable Solutions for Surface and Subsurface Water Drainage

With the Texas Gulf Coast region being among the hardest-hit flooding areas in the country, League City Drainage and Irrigation provides homeowners with reliable systems like French drains and root barriers.

In terms of water drainage it is mainly a matter of two types: Surface water is created when a large amount of water is found in a pool in your garage or in a lawn. It takes a lot of surface water because the water can’t be carried. Subsurface water is collected underneath and is trapped if water is not flowing properly,” a company spokesperson explained.

Why the Texas Gulf Coast is Prone to Flooding

According to the Houston Chronicle, the Texas Gulf Coast has an average flooding rate of 10.7 days per year, 4 days more than the national average for coastal regions. Rising sea levels due to climate change are the main factor, with the Galveston area averaging 0.1 flooding days per year in the 1950s.

However, the region's soil composition also contributes to flooding. Houston Wilderness explains that the area primarily has clay-rich Alfisols and Vertisols soils that have slow permeability and become saturated quickly in heavy rain.

Identifies and Solves Common Excess Water Problems

As a local company with long experience, League City Drainage and Irrigation understands what common problems cause water-related issues, like low spots, ineffective dry wells and excess runoff, and gutter leakage, working to find the best solution for every home.

A client shared their testimonial: "My yard always floods in the spring, and sometimes water even gets into one side of the house. I called League City Drainage and found out that some tree roots were growing under my foundation and were contributing to the flooding. They set up root barriers and haven't had water in my home since."

In addition to irrigation and drainage systems, the contractor offers sprinkler repairs, landscaping, and outdoor lighting services.

>>Get in touch with a drainage expert at: https://drainmyyardleaguecity.com

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