Sometimes what you thought was a problem ends up being the wrong problem or not a problem at all. Macadamia Solutions wants to make it easier for you with its “Problem Perspectives: Solve Your Best Problem” course.
Whether it’s a problem you have or a problem your team has, Macadamia Solutions wants to help you solve it and solve it right!
The Internet marketing specialist’s new digital course shows you how to develop and refine your problem statement. The course is taught by Dr. Steven Wright, an engineer, lawyer, professor, and entrepreneur whose focus is on mentoring, teaching, and research and development.
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According to Macadamia Solutions, problems are the discrepancy between the current state and some desired future state. Whether a researcher, business professional, entrepreneur, or product developer, identifying problems is critical to success. But in order to identify a problem, it often requires a shift in perspective and some creative outside-of-the-box thinking.
“Problem Perspectives: Solve Your Best Problem” teaches you a systematic approach to problem identification and solving. The course starts by helping you draft your problem statement. A problem statement is a concise description, usually written or typed for posterity, of the issue or challenge that you or your group faces, and the steps to be taken in order to solve it.
You then learn how to refine your problem statement by using perspective positioning. Perspective positioning is a technique used to ensure that your problem is being looked at from all angles. It involves analyzing the problem from geographical, temporal, and professional perspectives in order to verify that the problem chosen is indeed the right one and that the solutions generated are appropriate.
Additionally, the course teaches you how to create alternative problem statements from multiple different perspectives. This strategy allows you to whittle down the most pressing problem to solve through a process of elimination and, as a result, decide which solutions will be the most effective.
The course includes a 1-hour on-demand video as well as 9 downloadable resources. The course can be accessed through mobile devices, computers, and TVs. Once purchased, you gain full lifetime access.
Founder and CEO of Macadamia Solutions, Dr. Steven Wright, teaches the course. He has an MBA, Ph.D., and J.D., as well as a wealth of successful international experience negotiating agreements that enable new ecosystems within the information technology industry.
The course is available for purchase at the link provided above. The cost of the course is $49.99 and Macadamia Solutions offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Macadamia Solutions provides Internet marketing solutions that increase the visibility of local services. In addition to the Problem Perspectives course, they also offer an online training course teaching some of the steps business owners can take to improve visibility.
Start solving the right problems today by taking this course. Sign up at