Is your brand struggling to overcome a public perception setback? If so, use this advice from El Segundo-based creative marketing agency LO:LA to help you get back on track!
In this day and age one faulty product or poorly worded social media post can seriously harm your brand. While it's impossible to completely prevent these things from happening, there are ways in which your brand can bounce back. Creative marketing agency LO:LA has compiled a few of them to try and help you out!
If your brand is struggling with its public perception, their new guide provides six simple strategies it can employ to reposition itself with customers and within its market. The strategies emphasize the brand-customer relationship and how it can be leveraged so that both parties are satisfied.
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According to LO:LA, most brands at some point in their existence will experience public perception problems. These problems can be caused by any number of things, from a poor product release to a scandal involving a staff member. With their guide, LO:LA is hoping to show your brand how it can rebound from these negative situations and come out of them in a stronger position.
The first thing the guide suggests your brand do is identify what caused the perception problem. In some cases, this will be easy to point out, but more often than not you will need to conduct market research to find out what it is exactly that is negatively influencing your customers.
Second, your brand needs to develop a strategy for repositioning itself. This means taking the research and feedback and using it to address the issues in a way that satisfies your customer's needs and preferences. This may involve refining messaging, making adjustments to products or services, or changing the target audience.
The last four steps in the guide revolve around customer engagement. LO:LA believes that your brand needs to be consistent with its efforts to engage customers across all channels whether they be in-person or virtually. They also recommend that you look into partnering with influencers and other companies whose reputations and followings could help improve your own brand's public perception.
“Building positive brand perception takes time and effort,” said a spokesperson for the company. “If your brand stays committed to its positioning strategy and remains patient you will improve your brand perception.”
LO:LA is a full-service creative marketing agency with connections to Los Angeles and London. They specialize in brand and identity, website and digital platforms, content marketing, and campaign marketing solutions for both B2C and B2B brands.
If you're looking for further assistance in improving your brand's perception and repositioning it publicly, LO:LA's team of creative marketing experts can help you out. Using their simple 4-step approach, they will help you define your brand's goals and objectives, articulate how you plan to accomplish them, execute strategies to help you achieve them, and show you how to learn from the outcomes.
Several other reputable brands have used their services to reposition themselves and improve their public perception. Recent examples include GRRRL Clothing, Cycle Gear, goodcook, Creative Coalition, Mr. Clean, L'Oreal, and Staples. If you want to learn more about how LO:LA has helped other brands out, they post case studies that you can view for free on their website.
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