
Learn Machine Learning Fundamentals With edX Data Science Online Course

Feb 23, 2021

New Data Science Masters Degree program from edX teaches students big data analytics using Spark and machine learning fundamentals. The course is made in partnership with UCSanDiego.

You’re in luck. According to the latest job surveys, the need for qualified data scientists is expected to increase over the next 10 years. In fact, certain polls show that data scientists are one of the fastest-growing occupations in the world, with jobs for these individuals projected to increase by 16% from 2018 to 2028. Now, more than ever is your education important. 

edX, an online provider of university-level courses from top-ranking schools, announces its UCSanDiegoX’s MicroMasters Program in Data Science. The course, which can be taken by anyone in the world, focuses on machine learning fundamentals, big data analytics using Spark, and probability and statistics in data science using Python. 

Enroll now at https://tidd.ly/3evavam

Financial studies have stated that data science is a crucial element to any organization looking towards increasing its revenue.

The newly announced program features classes on manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing complex datasets as well as learning statistical and probabilistic approaches to understanding and gaining insights from data using Python. Students learn plotting with Python, running a Git pull, and working with Matplotlib source codes. 

edX worked with UCSanDiego to develop its data science online course. The edX data science course offers relevant and practical applications on using Python tools and the Spark platform.

edX provides access to high-quality education from more than 160 member universities, including Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Boston University, and more. While some courses have minimal tuition, other classes are offered for free.

With the new Data Science MicroMasters Program Certificate, graduates gain a competitive advantage over their peers. The program trains students on how to load and clean real-world data and make reliable statistical inferences from noisy data. 

The full program is offered at an introductory rate for a limited time only. Students gain access to four graduate-level courses over 10 months of nine to 11 hours per week. 

Erez Nir, SVP and CTO of Mitchell International stated, “It is my belief that a candidate credentialed through the edX MicroMasters program in Data Science would have a marked advantage in our company.”

Click on the link above now! 

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