Learn Professional Ethics & Legal Regulations For Emerging Tech In Expert Book!

Sep 4, 2024

Want to learn more about how new tech can affect your world? Dr. Steven A. Wright offers a handy guide to ethical and legal frameworks for technology adoption.

Emerging technology is affecting nearly all areas of life - but what does this really mean for you and your work? “Ethics, Law, and Technology Adoption,” by Dr. Steven A. Wright, explores the role of ethics alongside current legal regulations and challenges.

Check it out at https://www.drstevenawright.com/ethics-law-and-technology-adoption

As emerging technology continues to grow and affect all types of industries and areas of society, the professional guidebook has been written to function as an ethical and legal roadmap if you are interested in knowing more about this important area.

Gain Key Insights

Dr. Wright draws on his own experience as a lawyer and technology researcher to offer fundamental insights.

A recent report from McCann University shows that ethics play a fundamental role in determining how and when technology is adopted, as ethical frameworks help to keep a human aspect in place and to ensure that human values or attitudes remain at the forefront. Throughout “Ethics, Law, and Technology Adoption,” Dr. Wright focuses on real-world case studies and gives practical tips to assist readers.

Explore Ethical Frameworks

“Whether you are a technologist, business executive, or a lawyer, you need to understand the ethical and legal implications of your work,” says the author. “Comprehending the range of ethical argumentation prepares you to navigate the complex and dynamic environment of technology innovation and regulation.”

The book introduces main ethical frameworks that can inform the decision-making process when it comes to technology implementation, adoption, and deployment. Dr. Wright pays particular attention to the range of ethical arguments that can be applied to specific technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

Drawing from a plethora of real-world examples, he also provides key insights and practical strategies to help you understand the ethical challenges and opportunities arising within various fields, such as law, healthcare, politics, fintech, robotics, biotech, cybersecurity, and the pharmaceutical industry.

Delve Deeper

As you read through the book, you'll be given an opportunity to develop deeper critical thinking and problem-solving skills in relation to ethics, law, and technology, leading to more innovative and ethically-aligned solutions.

Richard Pettinger, Professor of Management Education at University College London School of Management says, “In this book, Dr. Wright tackles issues that should be top of mind for anyone involved in the intersection between law and technology, examining many of the key issues around ethics for existing and emerging technologies. Laying out a clear framework spanning various ethical approaches, he shows how to apply it to allow students and practitioners to reflect on how ethics, law, and technology interact in societal, legal, and individual spheres.”

Pick up your copy of the book today and start learning with Dr. Steven A. Wright!

Find more information at https://www.drstevenawright.com/ethics-law-and-technology-adoption

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