
Listen To The Latest Hit Release From House Dance Music Artist Garrett Paknis

Jun 9, 2021

Garrett Paknis is excited to announce the release of his new track, ‘THE LIGHT,’ and an accompanying music video that celebrates LGBTQ+ relationships! For UK garage fans everywhere, this release is for you.

Do you have a habit of listening to the same songs over and over? You’re not the only one. With the latest track from Garrett Paknis, you can expand your tastes with fresh music from the UK garage scene.

Garrett Paknis, a London-based UK garage artist, has announced the release of his newest track, ‘THE LIGHT,’ and an accompanying music video. The latest release is available for you on all major streaming platforms.

Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtjRl0hwlFc to listen to ‘THE LIGHT’ and watch the music video!

Shaped by Garrett’s past relationships, the newly-released track explores the pain that follows a break-up and, critically, the journey toward forgiveness and acceptance. He also takes pride in pairing his latest song with a video that celebrates LGBTQ+ relationships. Visit https://www.facebook.com/PAKNISGARRETT for more details.

According to the artist, the song tells the story of Garrett’s life-changing relationship, from the early passion to the painful break-up and eventual inner peace.

The story began in 2018 when he moved from New York City to Berlin. Outside of a café, he met a man, and they started a relationship. As the relationship ended, Garrett was left in a foreign country with no support system. He looked inward, struggling with the idea of forgiveness, and poured these feelings into the song.

Raised in New York City, Garrett spent his younger years behind a microphone performing his poetry. He has leveraged this experience into the latest release; his lyrics are passionate, sensitive, and cadenced. Garrett’s gravelly voice also adds a layer of depth to his performance.

The artist’s meaningful lyrics pair well with his UK garage style, a genre that adopts elements from R&B and house dance music. In ‘THE LIGHT,’ you will hear the rhythmic lyrics of R&B backed by a high-tempo dance beat.

With the latest video release, Garrett continues to advocate for queer relationships. His lyrics will reassure you that hope after heartbreak is possible. Go to https://open.spotify.com/artist/3S1YEBLdJ5a7PI9TCatDrd and listen to all of his music now!

About this track, Garrett said, “After the destruction of a relationship, you have to, with every ounce of your being, find a way to pack up your life and move on. People change, obstacles show up, and we, as humans, have to find a way around them. That’s what ‘THE LIGHT’ is about — setting someone free.”

Are you ready for the UK garage scene’s hottest new track? You can learn more about the artist himself at the links above, or visit https://www.instagram.com/garrettpaknis/?hl=en to discover which of Garrett's songs will inspire you.

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