Simple case studies from Chat Heroes prove how effective and profitable it can be to add a live manned chat operator to any charity or business website. Live chat can be used in many varied sectors from real estate, auto dealerships, SEO agencies, health and wellness too the many charities that have come onboard and are enjoying with great success. revealed their new case study today on how any charity or business can see almost immediate benefit with a live manned chat operator on a website. This case study demonstrates how £5000 was raised in only the first month from a single donation. How another charity for helping children got 3 new fundraisers in their first month plus many other offers of help and assistance from volunteers. Using the Chat Heroes, live chat operator was a powerful method of interacting with the clients on the websites.
Chat Heroes work closely with the business or charity involved to get the best results that are achievable.
The case study also made it obvious that even with a small amount of traffic to any business, it can still be made profitable.A recent case study of a local funeral directors with only 50 visitors per month still returned over £5000 profit in the first month. owner Paul Lawton says there are many people looking for insights and answers about how the charities make money, and what benefits are there with a live manned chat operator. This case study reveals in a practical way what's possible with the right information and guidance to expand a business's look and reach by adding live chat.
The case study is available at
About was founded in 2015 and serves the lead generation industry. It is known for bringing new fresh qualified leads to any business or charity as the agents are fully trained on every aspect of each business or charity they work with to ensure a seamless workflow with optimum results. Chat Heroes understand the importance of keeping good customer relations at all times and in all dealings with clients and website visitors. Whenever necessary offsite training is also included to ensure full knowledge of the business or charity involved.