
Mace Yampolsky, a criminal law expert, has authored a chapter in Representing People with Mental Disabilities: A Practical Guide to Criminal Defense Lawyers that will be published by the American Bar Association.

Sep 7, 2018

The new chapter of Representing People with Mental Disabilities: A Practical Guide to Criminal Defense Lawyers is a valuable resource for criminal defense lawyers, written by Mace Yampolsky.

Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney, Mace Yampolsky, of Mace Yampolsky & Associates, is proud to announce that he has written a chapter on forced medication for the new book, "Representing People with Mental Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers," which was just published. This 368 page book is available for purchase from The American Bar Association for $49.95 for non ABA members, and $39.95 for ABA members.

Mace Yampolsky, who has been practicing criminal law for over thirty-five years indicates, "I wish I had this book for the past 35 years when representing individuals with mental health issues." The book contains chapters devoted to a variety of issues confronted by people with mental disabilities in the criminal justice system such as Competency, Sanity, Malingering, Neuroscience, Jail and Prison Conditions, Working with Experts, and Risk Assessment. Chapters are written by academics, mental health experts, and criminal defense lawyers. Approximately 1/3 of inmates in US jails and prisons have some sort of mental disability.

Mace Yampolsky is an expert on forced medication. He won a case in the United States Supreme court, Riggins Vs Nevada, 504 US 127 which codified the accused’s right to “Just Say No” to antipsychotic drugs. The Court reversed Mr. Riggins’ death sentence. The Riggins case was cited in the Journal of Contemporary Health law and Policy. Mace Yampolsky tried the case in Las Vegas Nevada and argued the case in front of the Nevada Supreme Court and successfully argued the case in front of the US Supreme Court. His landmark case changed the law of the land, giving criminal Defendants the right to refuse anti-psychotic medication. This case was also profiled in Wikipedia. Riggins was drugged with 800 milligrams of Mellaril. Mace Yampolsky’ s expert said that 800 milligrams of Mellaril is enough to “tranquilize an Elephant”.

The US Supreme Court held that forced administration of antipsychotic medication during Riggins’ trial violated his rights guaranteed under the 6th and 14th Amendment of the US constitution. The court reasoned that Riggins’ rights at trial possibly were impaired because the side effects may have impacted his outward appearance, the content of his testimony, his ability to follow the proceedings, or the substance of his communication with counsel.

The American Psychiatric Association wrote an Amicus Brief on behalf of Mr. Riggins addressing the issue whether the State is justified in the continued use of antipsychotic medication against the wishes of the Defendant. The state cannot involuntarily medicate a Defendant unless it is in his medical interests. Not simply to make it easier for the state to convict him. The Supreme Court ruled that the state was not able to involuntarily medicate a Defendant unless there were pressing medical reasons. This was a great win for Las Vegas attorney Mace Yampolsky.

More information about Mace Yampolsky & Associates can be found at the company's website https://www.criminallawyerslasvegas.com/


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