Change things up in 2021 with the tropical laptop lifestyle. You deserve to travel the world after being locked up for most of 2020. Don’t miss out on this opportunity that I wish I took sooner- Jacquie.
4 Simple Steps To The Laptop Lifestyle
Tim Ferriss’ book, The 4 Hour Work Week was released in 2007, and since then the concept of the laptop lifestyle has sent the world into a frenzy. Over a decade on, and a lot of entrepreneurs are still applying his teachings. The fundamentals of this book state that being chained to a desk isn’t how we will do work in the future. Many entrepreneurs and employees have adapted to this method of living and working on their own terms. So why not try it for yourself?
You need only 3 essentials to begin the laptop lifestyle. A computer or laptop, a phone and a half decent internet connection. You could be an entrepreneur, a remote employee or an independent freelancer - if you can work remotely, then you’re in.
However, if you feel like this lifestyle could be something that you could get used to, then make sure you consider these four factors first.
Utilize Technology
Technology has enabled people to work remotely, one of the saving factors to many businesses during the most recent pandemic. Technology can allow you to stay organized, automate processes, track your time and communicate with team members or clients.
There a vast number of new apps and software that can allow you to relax and remain organized. You must become more tech savvy if you want to live and work on the go.
Choose An Industry Allowing Remote Work
Some industries allow employees to work remote, and some do not. You will need to research work in a field that is ok about not having you in the physical office or store. More and more jobs are becoming used to this, but that doesn’t mean they all are.
Choosing an industry that is comfortable with this will be challenging to say the least. Choose to work in a sector or find customers that are already cool with this kind of business agreement, so you aren’t wasting time arguing with them rather than doing the work. Choose wisely who you work with, it is very important.
Effective Communication
When we aren’t physically sitting in front of one another in an office, there can be somewhat of a breakdown in communication. We are not getting to utilize essential factors of our message such as body language, tone of voice, expression etc. This means that communication must be emphasised consistently throughout he working relationship to ensure good business. Everything you communicate to your client must be extremely clear to the person on the other end. And after this, ask if the communication was understood and clear so as to ensure it was.
Emphasis on my earlier point of utilizing technology, new apps such as Skype, Zoom or Facetime are amazing tools that allow you to be anywhere in the world yet talk with your customers as if you’re sitting in front of one another. Google docs can also be very useful for sharing files to collaborate of group projects and track progress.
Keep Selling
When you work independently, you must consistently be making a sale. The day you take a break is the day your business will begin it’s nosedive into oblivion. A bit dramatic, but ever so true.
Even if you’re an employee working remotely, you always need to be seen to be productive and proactive. If you’re not constantly checking in with customers or maintaining a healthy working relationship with you co-workers then you may be forgotten or seen to be inactive.
Always be prospecting, keep growing your network and working on attaining more customers or keeping communications going strong. If you are just too busy with the work you currently have and can’t take on new clients - keep developing your relationship with the ones you have.
The laptop lifestyle wont suit everyone, but it certainly is a life goal for many. I’d definitely recommend this lifestyle to anyone who has a wanderlust or feels they would like to break free from life’s constraints. I have recently taken adopted this lifestyle myself and can honestly say I’m loving the journey so far. I have learned everything you’ve read here today from this 5 Figure Day Full Throttle. They’re currently running a flash sale for this service so don’t miss out on the chance to live your 4 Hour Work Week today. 5 Figure Day Full Throttle