A new free leadership masterclass on March 29, 2021, is announced by Eszter Molnar Mills of Positive Leadership in Practice. Molnar Mills will discuss practical solutions to managing remote and hybrid teams.
It’s safe to say that everything has changed. Not only have we changed the way we live and love, but current health guidelines have shifted the way we work as well. Now, more of us work from home and some will continue to do so at least some of the time, as more organizations explore a part-home, part-office hybrid working model. But if you’re a manager, how do you manage your team when they’re physically not near you?
Eszter Molnar Mills, positive leadership and management expert, announces her free leadership masterclass on March 29, 2021, for executives wanting to improve how they manage their remote teams. The 60-minute class teaches you effective strategies for engaging with the new hybrid working model.
Register today at https://www.positiveleadershipinpractice.com/masterclass
In the masterclass, Molnar Mills will be discussing three secrets for remote leadership success. Molnar Mills states that traditional management methods are less effective in the changing business climate, especially where organizations are adopting a hybrid model.
Molnar Mills addresses this need through her online management development resource, Positive Leadership in Practice, and is currently offering free masterclasses that help managers prepare for hybrid working and managing their remote teams.
In the first part of the newly announced class, you will be taught how to successfully navigate the “new normal” sustainably. Here, Molnar Mills teaches her unique 5C model that helps you inspire your teams and improve your business’ success.
Then, Molnar Mills will discuss how to harness strengths to adapt to the changing times. This includes enhancing a team’s engagement and motivation and reducing their resistance to change.
Lastly, the class will talk about embedding leadership throughout an organisation, and how this drives success. Molnar Mills states that the measure of a good leader is your ability to adapt to the times.
A former student writes, "I feel very fortunate to have worked with Eszter and I hope as many people as possible get the opportunity to do so because she is excellent at what she does."
Go to https://www.positiveleadershipinpractice.com/masterclass to learn more!