Market Your Dental Practice Effectively With These Content Strategies For Best Dentist Advertising Tips

Jan 5, 2018

A new dental marketing report has been launched by Celine Horan, a content marketing expert. It showcases the three things to look out for when marketing a dental practice, including the power of a heading, and best practices for content writing.

Marketing professional Celine Horan has launched a new report focusing on the 3 biggest copywriting mistakes dentists make when advertising their services. Through reading the report, dental practices and dentists can learn how to reach out to new prospects and boost their patient lists with ease.

More information can be found at:

The report explains that people often write their copy, sit back, and wait for the results to come in, only to find themselves disappointed. Many dentists wonder why their copy isn’t working as well as they had hoped, and don’t know what’s wrong.

However, writing sales copy is a hard art form, and is entirely different from many other forms of writing, like business writing, or dissertation writing. Good sales copy has to be conversational, but not too salesman-like.

This is the first mistake a lot of practice websites make when trying to rank more effectively on Google or attract more patients. People write copy that is too sales-oriented, which makes patients’ guard shoot up, and they go on to disregard anything they read.

Another mistake dentists often make is that their headlines don’t grab attention. The report explains that many people deal with headlines on a daily basis, whether it’s a news story or simply filtering through their inbox. It’s the job of a headline to grab attention and force someone to read.

David Ogilvy, a legend of advertising, said that the headline is the most important part of an advert. Research shows that, on average, five times as many people read the headline as the body copy of an article.

The report then breaks down what makes an effective headline, and how anyone can harness the power of the “four Us” in order to write an effective headline.

Thirdly, many dentists fail by not including an ironclad guarantee. The report emphasizes that guarantees have a credibility boosting effect all their own, and it’s important to add one.

Full details can be found on the URL above.

Summary: A new dental marketing report has been launched by Celine Horan, a content marketing expert. It showcases the three things to look out for when marketing a dental practice, including the power of a heading, and best practices for content writing.

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