Maximize ERTC Refund With Professional Assistance: Check Your Eligibility Now

Jun 20, 2024

LP Consulting makes it much easier for you to get the Employee Retention Tax Credit you deserve. Just get in touch for fully managed service!

If you're yet to get the Employee Retention Tax Credit, you don't have long to file your claim. Working with a firm like LP Consulting is the best way to ensure a smooth claim – and get every penny you're owed!

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Reduce IRS queries

The firm's CPAs oversee all applications for eligible businesses and manage all paperwork to ensure audit-proof claims that are less likely to result in IRS queries.

A spokesperson states: "We're focused solely on maximizing your refundable claims for the ERTC with a simple process that requires less than 15 minutes of your time."

Maximize your rebate

The ERTC allows you to claim a refundable credit of up to $26,000 per employee retained during the height of the pandemic. Despite the financial benefits, many businesses are unaware they qualify, especially if they have already received a PPP loan - but the upcoming April 2025 deadline means you must act quickly to secure your rightful rebate.

LP Consulting pre-qualifies you to determine your eligibility and potential credit amount.

Everything is done for you

The team handles all aspects of ERTC paperwork and filings, aiming to maximize credits for your business.

LP Consulting operates on a contingency model - there are no upfront fees for the ERTC service. You only pay the firm after successfully receiving your refund payment from the IRS, so there is no risk of getting in touch and seeing if you have a viable case.

To date, the firm has assisted numerous SMBs across industries to secure six-figure ERTC refunds, such as a Houston restaurant, which was awarded $400,000 through the program within the past 30 days.

Get started today

LP Consulting adds: "To begin your claim, you just have to answer 10 questions - and it could be worth tens of thousands."

Talk to the firm today to see how much you could be owed – before it's too late!

Go to for all the details you need!

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