
Metal Carport For RV Storage In Gresham: Custom Garage Design & Price Tool

Jul 1, 2023

Protect your RV come hail or high water with a custom metal building from Oregon Carports (541 229-7544).

What do you call a camper van driving through frozen rain?

... Van Hailin’.

You may be rolling your eyes at this poor attempt of a joke — but I got you thinking about your own RV and how it can get hit by hail and that's an unsettling thought, isn't it?

Of course there are ways you can protect your RV — storage rentals, for example. But those can cost anywhere from $800 to $1,000 a month for a 40-foot RV. That's a lot of money for JUST storage.

With that amount of money, you could buy your own storage; heck, you could DESIGN your own storage!

And that's where Oregon Carports comes in.

They give you full control over the design of your RV carport so you can create a metal building that fits your RV size, your budget, and your aesthetic preferences.

How do they do it? They have an easy-to-use build and price tool. You can check it out at https://carportview.oregoncarports.com/ — play with that for a bit while I tell you more about Oregon Carports and their custom metal buildings. Or just go ahead and submit your design if you're all set.

Got the tool open in another tab? Good. As you can see, it's pretty straightforward; you can customize anything from building style to color and roof type. For RVs in particular, you might wanna check out their RV covers, garages, and RV carports. These ready-made builds give you a good starting point. Once you select your building type, you can customize all the little details and big details such as roof type.

No matter what you pick, all buildings are made from 12 and 14-gauge steel — because Oregon Carports knows you need materials that will stand up to the harsh Oregon weather.

On top of that, all their roofs — regular, horizontal A-frame, and vertical A-frame — feature the 360º roof bracing system. Basically, they use braces on each corner and center of every truss to improve structural integrity and make sure your building doesn't collapse under the weight of snow. They really thought this thing through.

And they offer tons of other customization options, too. Whether you want to make your metal building more unique simply for aesthetic reasons or need to make it extra snow-proof, they got you covered. Add a walk-in door, double-pane windows, extra trusses, or larger braces — make your carport truly your own.

Once you're done, submit your design, and Oregon Carports will deliver and install your metal building at no additional cost. They also offer a rent-to-own program, along with extensive warranties — a 4 seasons workmanship warranty, a 90 mph wind warranty, and a 20-year warranty on the building.

Over the years, they've delivered custom metal buildings to customers across Oregon and have received high praise for their work. One recent customer had this to say: “We had a 12 by 24-foot carport built on our property by Oregon Carports and are extremely pleased with our purchase. The employees are professional and work hard to ensure a successful job and a satisfied customer.”

That could be you! Instead of losing sleep over your RV's safety every time there's bad weather or over-paying for storage rentals, you could have your very own metal carport and save yourself both stress and money!

Oregon Carports got you covered! Go to https://oregoncarports.com/ to get started.

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