Middle-Grade Fantasy Story Empowering Highly Sensitive Children: Order Your Copy

Nov 2, 2021

Are you the parent, caregiver, teacher, or friend of a child with a highly sensitive personality (HSP)? Be sure to check out Lorraine Hawley’s upcoming release, Curious World of Dandy-Lion.

The children’s book offers the unique opportunity to both understand the world of a child with an HSP while also empowering them through the story. 

The Arizona-based author announced the release which will take place on November 2. The story is written for 8-13 years old and is also suited for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of HSP. 

Go to https://www.amazon.com/dp/1952209919/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JY2397SYHSC09MAWNZ14 for more information. 

The new book explores the themes of acceptance, friendship, and grandparent relationships. The protagonist is a highly sensitive young girl, whose story can empower and comfort middle-grade children with HSP. 

The most recent in a series of books written by Hawley, this publication serves a growing global population of youth with HSP. Up to 20% of children live with some form of sensitivity to stimulation or overwhelm, and it is important that they see themselves in books. 

Librarians, teachers, counselors, grandparents, and parents should be particularly aware of the upcoming release, as should anyone who knows a person of any age with HSP. The overarching messages in the storyline are timeless.

Fundamentally, Curious World of Dandy-Lion is not simply a fantasy novel but also a tale of empowerment. As the plotline unfolds, Meredith, the main character, learns to accept what makes her unique. 

It takes place in a small and mundane Indiana town that Meredith’s sensitivity lights up with whimsical experiences. No one believes that she sees fireflies dance inside lampposts or flowers waving hello.

But then she meets Jax, a curious young boy who validates what she sees. Together, they embark on an adventure inside her fantastical world. 

The book was illustrated by artist, designer, and world traveler Jocie Salveson. She is passionate about living in the present moment, taking risks, and seeking inspiration every day.

The author is a mother, wife, mentor, marketing professional, blogger, and self-proclaimed wearer of many hats who lives in Arizona. She is passionate about bringing the written word to the minds of young people and educating others in the art of creative writing. 

Lorraine Hawley is particularly interested in spreading awareness about HSP through her creative endeavors. She believes that through acknowledging the common personality trait we can collectively support sensitive children in learning and living with greater ease.

Go to https://lorrainehawley.com/my-books to order your copy of Curious World of Dandy-Lion today!

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