
Nashville original icon, brainchild of Music City’s apparel company founder, maintains relevant message during tense political climate

Feb 21, 2017

Celebrating Nashville apparel company’s 7th anniversary and the five year anniversary of their iconic mural with a message. Read the artist’s take on the durability of the original message and how it maintains relevance in today’s political climate.

DCXV Industries is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the iconic "I BELIVE IN NASHVILLE" mural, which commemorates 5 years of bringing people together and inspiring countless photographs from locals, tourists, and celebrities alike. This is a huge milestone for the East Nashville-based apparel business, which has provided authentic Nashville apparel, souvenirs, knick knacks, and gifts to locals and visitors since 2010.

DCXV Industries got it's start in 2010 when founder and artist Adrien Saporiti saw a lack of authentically Nashville clothing that appealed to the people who weren't all about the country music scene.

One of the earliest challenges DCXV Industries faced was just finding a way to make enough money to move out of the garage and into a storefront.

While every business of course faces challenges, some, like DCXV Industries, are fortunate enough to enjoy real successes and victories. Once such victory came during an environment of political tension throughout the city, when the artist seized upon an opportunity to unite the city and painted the "I BELIEVE IN NASHVILLE" mural in the burgeoning 12 South District. From its debut in 2012 and more permanent update in 2013, "I BELIEVE IN NASHVILLE" has made its way in various forms onto the Ellen Degeneres Show, the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and the social media accounts of celebrities like Reese Witherspoon, Mike Wolfe, and others.

Adrien Saporiti, Owner of DCXV Industries was also quoted when discussing the attention the mural, and subsequently his business, has received. “I had no intention or expectation for how people might respond, just a hope that it would be received warmly and with the positivity intended. To see what has come from it, from people around the world ordering prints of it to people getting it tattooed on them, is absolutely, without a doubt, more than I could have ever dreamed."

The mural's popularity and longevity have surprised Saporiti, who says "I BELIEVE IN NASHVILLE is a symbol for native and newcomer alike, a starting point for everyone who loves Nashville, no matter how different a background we may come from...if people could connect over this one idea, maybe it could be a reminder that there’s much more that unites us than divides us. That’s an idea that extends far beyond politics, and beyond any particular time, though I do feel it resonates just as much if not more so now than ever before."

The mural even inspired the city's hockey mural "I Believe in Smashville" and lead to Saporiti's being featured as the "artist in residence" at Country 2 Country, the largest music festival in the UK, in 2016.

Saporiti continued “We're delighted to be celebrating our 7 Year Anniversary and the fifth anniversary of the mural." He suggested the secret to getting this far in business today is having a dedication to keeping a finger on the pulse of the city combined and a keen understanding of what innately appeals to natives and tourists alike.

DCXV Industries currently consists of a few employees and has big plans for the upcoming year. One of their core objectives is solidify their standing as Music City's go to destination for authentic Nashville apparel.

DCXV Industries would also like to thank friends, customers and all its partners for their well wishes on this happy occasion. The company has released limited edition prints to recognize the occasion.

More information on the business can be found at https://dcxvindustries.com/. The original mural is located at 2700 12th Ave South while the artist's authentic replicas around town located at 1402 Clinton Street, 1306 McGavock Pike, and 917 Woodland Street and the storefront located a 727 Porter Road in East Nashville. For more of Saporiti's street murals, see his works "Heiroglitches" at 2813 West End Ave, "Stay Tuned" located at 615 Main St, and "Volume" at 1702 8th Ave S.

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