ADHD management tool, Go Get Focused program, has been updated. The workshops build neurotiming among children, helping them strengthen their executive function and attention.
Does your child have ADHD? Despite what other sources may say, the condition can be properly managed and even recovered from with the right management tools.
We got the perfect solution for you.
It is estimated that nearly 9.4% of children in America have some form of ADHD, a neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by poor attention and focus and controlling impulsive behaviors, among other things. According to Dr. Jerry Iavorone, developer of the Go Get Focused Program, these behaviors can be managed with his updated neurotiming assessment and training tool.
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With the improved tool, children can strengthen the activity of their brain that synchronizes thought and movement to a steady metronome beat. The neurotiming tool responds to your child’s physical performance by providing real-time auditory and visual feedback in milliseconds. This means that they know whether they are hitting the beat before, after, or in sync with it.
Neurotiming can improve attention and executive functioning, motor coordination and balance, sensory processing, and help with anxiety. Dr. Iavorone explains that his unique ADHD management tool targets the neuroplasticity of the brain.
Neuroplasticity refers to the capacity of the nervous system to change its structure and function over a lifetime. As its name suggests, a person’s neuroplasticity is dynamic, constantly changing as he engages in new experiences or learns something new. Among those with ADHD, neuroplasticity is not as malleable as it should be. However, with the ADHD sensory tool offered by the Go Get Focused program, your child can recover from their condition over time.
The Go Get Focused program is an online training session for children aged six years old and up. Each session is around 10 minutes long and can be done anywhere where there is WiFi connection. It is recommended to train for 6 months, over a period of four sessions per week, to notice any improvement.
A grateful parent wrote, "Now that Alicia has finished the Go Get Focused program, we want to thank you for a great program and your follow-up throughout. We noticed a change in her behavior after just one week. She is more responsive to suggestions and her moods have changed for the better. Overall, she has become a lot more well-adjusted to being a child of her age."
Help your child get more focused with a program made specifically for ADHD.
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