
New Bible Book Covers God’s Story In Exciting, Engaging & Easy To Understand Way

Mar 18, 2025

Wordsmith World has published Christian author Betty Johansen’s latest book. With a 5-star rating, Christian readers are loving her contemporary retelling of the Bible.

And lo, in the season of great knowledge, when the scribes of the age did labor over many tomes, there arose one among them, Betty Johansen, a scribe most diligent in her craft. And she did set forth her hand to write a book, a book about the Bible. And the multitudes did marvel, saying, “Behold! A work that bringeth clarity to the ancient Word, that men and women might know the tale of God from Genesis unto the last days.”

>>> If this is the kind of language that has you putting down your Bible at night in frustration, Betty Johansen has the solution, her new book: ‘The Bible in Brief’. Learn about Genesis till the last days in language you actually understand at https://bettyjohansen.com

The Bible Explained, In Language You Can Understand

You can now buy ‘The Bible in Brief: A Historical Summary of God’s Story from the Beginning to the End of Time’ as a hardcover, paperback, and an e-book; both on Amazon and on author Betty Johansen’s personal website.

With this inspiring book, Betty Johansen is on a mission to demystify the Bible for you. If you find it daunting or challenging to engage with the original text, she is here to help.

While she believes that knowing God’s word and teachings through His writings in the Bible is essential for a deeper level of faith, she understands that the language used in the Bible is ancient, elaborate, and often cryptic.

She also knows that many Christians have never read the Bible cover-to-cover, and even fewer will ever read it more than once.

Feel The Power Of God’s Original Word

That’s why, with ‘The Bible in Brief: A Historical Summary of God’s Story from the Beginning to the End of Time’, Betty Johansen has used her experience as a bestselling Christian novelist to breathe new life into the original text, capturing its raw transcendental power for a new generation.

Betty Johansen hopes that—much as publishers like No Fear Shakespeare reworded and updated the Bard’s original works for a modern era—she can also reinterpret God’s words so that they keep their deep and profound meaning and value in 2025 and beyond.

“Many people think the Bible is only for scholars or those with years of study. But with ‘The Bible in Brief’, you’ll see how the key messages of God’s story can be grasped in a straightforward, digestible format without spending months or years trying to decode it,” said a spokesperson from Wordsmith World publishers.

Find A New Way Into The Holy Text With Wordsmith World & Betty Johansen

If you always find yourself becoming discouraged and bogged down in the language of the Bible and thus missing out on key moments in Christ’s history, she believes her more accessible version will ensure that you can appreciate every milestone and understand its full truth and significance.

‘The Bible in Brief’ currently holds a 5-star rating on Amazon, with one happy reviewer saying, “This book answered many questions I did not even know I had. And the answers were spot on. I thank the author for this book. It will be treasured for many generations.”

>>> Buy your copy today at https://bettyjohansen.com

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