
New Electricians Website Helps Little Elm Denton Homeowners Find Service Faster

Jul 27, 2024

New electricians website for homeowners and commercial building owners to have fast access to qualified licensed electrician companies.

New website launched https://ElectriciansLittleElm.com/ is designed for simplicity and speed for the visitor. Each visitor can quickly get an idea of the local electricians in the area, their licensing and how qualified they are. Not always the easiest doing a standard search.

With Little Elm TX being close to Lake Lewisville and Denton in Denton County and growing big-time in population, there's lots to do and of course many modern things require electricity or batteries. Little Elm's population has grown by 19.2% since the 2020 census and by 79.4% since the 2010 census. That's lots of demand for electrical work. Reading around in forums, looking at other electrician companies, talking with other electrician company owners, master electricians, and journeyman electricians, Texas is not being overrun by new electricians entering the trade.

Like so many other parts of the US economy, electrician companies do grapple with finding skilled electricians to hire with a willing work ethic and punctuality. The average age of electricians is 40.9 years old and there are lots of stories about electricians not showing up or flaking out once they're on the job site.

"It's important for homeowners to find a qualified licensed electrician company quickly. That's the purpose of our website. We've seen lots of jobs that were fire hazards or cutthroat prices that put the homeowner or commercial building at risk. One example we had a lady tell us that she got a quote for a service visit for $90. Ours is around $175 for a service visit. With the licensing, compliance and business costs it's difficult to see how a company or person offering a $90 service call can keep their business in legal compliance." A company representative said.

It's also important and a good idea to ask the company person on the phone if the particular job in question requires pulling a permit. There are multiple companies that promote themselves as "handyman electricians" and often times these guys have not gone through the training to do electrical work in a safe manner to themselves while doing the work nor in a safe long lasting way for the homeowner. It's a good idea to ask to see the electrician's license and it's easy enough with that license number to verify it's legitimate and active. This is the official government electrician license verification site for Texas https://www.tdlr.texas.gov/LicenseSearch/.

When looking for an electrician serving the little elm Texas area, https://ElectriciansLittleElm.com/ is here to help.

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