New Guide Teaches Animal Lovers How to Create a Disaster Response Plan For Pets

May 3, 2021

Do you own pets? Be sure to read this new report by Sergeant Prepper’s Survival Club, which teaches you how to keep animals safe in the aftermath of a calamity.

Do you know how to keep your pets safe in the face of calamities? Then be sure to read this report!

Sergeant Prepper's Survival Club of New Albany, Indiana announces the launch of a new report geared towards people who own pets. Titled “Help Your Pet Through A Disaster,” this resource highlights key preparations that survival-minded individuals must undertake before catastrophes occur.

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Through this material, the company aims to provide holistic planning guides that cover all members of your family, including pets. The report can be accessed for free by all readers through Sergeant Prepper's Survival Club’s website.

Statistics show that 85 million households in America have at least one pet, representing 67% of the country’s population. While many people treat their animals as family members, most do not have an emergency survival plan for them.

To address this gap, Sergeant Prepper's Survival Club has created a useful guide that can help you ensure the safety and well-being of your pets in the event of disasters. The report is written by an experienced survivalist and offers lessons on how to be self-sufficient even during the direst of circumstances.

Among the lessons contained are practical steps to creating an emergency plan for animals. This section deals specifically with evacuating your pets and finding safe shelter for them in the aftermath of a calamity.

The guide also offers tips on how to pack a so-called bug-out bag, which contains a stockpile of food to ensure that your pets do not grow hungry. Should the food supply run out, you will also learn tactics on how to forage for food in the wild.

Given the chaos that ensues during a catastrophe, the report tackles what to do in the worst-case scenario—when your pets are separated from you. This part covers the crucial steps you must take to ensure that your pet can be properly identified and reunited with you.

Sergeant Prepper's Survival Club helps readers survive and thrive despite facing disasters, be they natural or man-made. It regularly publishes free reports and offers an e-book that delves further into the survivalist mindset.

A spokesperson says: “Knowing how to do so will take a bit of effort and commitment on your behalf, but it will be sure to help your animal cope during an emergency situation.”

Make sure your pets are protected no matter what happens. Read the free report today!

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