New Microsoft Customer Immersion Experience Workshop for Techcomm Management Staff, “Economics of Intelligent Content and XML for Topic-Based Writing” at Microsoft Technology Center in Reading, UK following the Technical Communication UK Conference (TCUK)

Sep 14, 2017

Ictect Inc., presenter of The Economics of Intelligent Content for Topic-based Writing, announced their Microsoft Customer Immersion Experience Workshop will be held in the Microsoft Technology Center, Thames Valley Park, Reading UK on Friday, September 29, 2017.

Techcomm management staff looking for the latest information about what Intelligent Content is and why is it relevant for topic-based content can register to attend “The Economics of Intelligent Content and XML for Topic-based Writing” scheduled for Friday, September 29, 2017.

Full details and registration for this workshop can be found on the following page of the Ictect company website:

Ictect Inc., a sponsor of this year's Technical Communication UK Conference, is hosting a separate workshop following the TCUK conference. This workshop, which takes place on Friday, September 29, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, at the Microsoft Technology Center, Thames Valley Park, Reading UK will cover key issues such as:

1. What is "Intelligent Content?" This will include peer discussion about the necessity of intelligent content and the associated business case for it.

2. Common Strategies used to Create Intelligent Content. This includes follow-up discussion about how to create intelligent content today.

3. Roadblocks to Intelligent Content Creation. This section details the results of the Idealliance Industry Survey, and is followed by discussion about the cost of creating intelligent content.

These three sessions reveal what Intelligent Content is and how to approach the economics of it. The peer discussions focus on intelligent content workflows, bottlenecks, and costs. This is followed by an immersion experience that will allow all in attendance to get valuable hands-on expertise.

When asked about the reasons behind creating this workshop, the host of the event, Pradeep Jain, Founder and Chief Content Architect at Ictect Inc. said, "This unique workshop will allow attendees to consider different economic possibilities and explore how MS Word-based authoring technologies can enable your Engineers, SMEs, and Technical Writers to easily create intelligent content using Microsoft Office and Office 365 technologies. I’m excited to be joining Rahel Anne Bailie, Chief Knowledge Officer from Scroll in presenting this workshop. "

Ictect Inc. is a provider of Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) which authors can use to easily prepare their documents in Word without having to worry about XML. icTools does the tagging to convert documents to various formats including DITA, JATS, epub, and more. icTools can also convert documents from other various formats to DITA. At the same time, icTools compares documents against various style guides, identifying errors and compliance issues, and providing point-by-point feedback for making corrections.

The Ictect Inc. website,, has full details about their service offerings and the sessions they are hosting after this year's TCUK conference. Interested parties can learn more by visiting their website.

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