Newmarket, QLD Fitness Studio With Group Strength Classes For Busy Professionals

May 31, 2024

Want to build strength and agility to make life easier? Whether it’s running around after your kids or playing sports, experience a new and exciting journey to fitness with PrimalThenics in Newmarket, Brisbane! (+61-2-4442-2784)

Tired of feeling sluggish? Looking for a way to get back to full fitness that's fun and effective and can help you manage stress?

Join the PrimalThenics program and get involved in the studio's group classes. Become a happier, healthier you this year! More details at

Holistic Fitness

If you're feeling lethargic, immobile, and under-confident in your physicality, PrimalThenics' customized exercise programs promote strength, flexibility, and agility. The coaching methodology is based broadly on five main areas of development: structural, chemical, environmental, mental engagement, and social relationships. The group sessions encourage accountability so you and your fellow members can inspire one another to greater heights than you might achieve on your own.

Train Smarter

The studio promotes a fitness philosophy that prizes smart, focused training over endless hours in the gym. The programs are designed to maximize the physical and psychological benefits of exercise even if you have an incredibly busy life with very little downtime. The programs focus on all aspects of your fitness from pliability, aerobic capacity, and coordination to thermodynamic response and recovery.

Pick Your Program

There are six different programs available for you to pick and choose from. Primal Pliability features movement drills, stretching techniques, and neurologically-driven activation routines designed to help you shake off old injuries, aches, and pains by rebuilding flexibility and mobility throughout your body. You can sign up or register your interest via the PrimalThenics website.

Ready For The Hunt?

The Primal Hunter program focuses on pushing your aerobic boundaries and increasing VO2 Max to improve stamina, speed, and adaptability. The company places functional movement training at the centre of its philosophy, encouraging you to broaden your focus and augment traditional gym machines with foundational bodyweight moves such as squats, lunges, and push-ups. These engage multiple muscle groups at the same time to build strength, flexibility, and stamina.


Primal Combat offers you kickboxing sessions to promote speed, agility, and coordination, providing a release for built-up stress and injecting fun and excitement into fitness. Primal Warrior incorporates the use of Exxentric flywheels, dumbbells, and PrimalThenics' signature exercises while Primal Cold utilizes cold water therapy techniques to target fat and promote recovery.

A spokesperson says, “At PrimalThenics, we're not just training athletes, we're training individuals to be athletes in their own lives. Whether you're playing with your kids, carrying groceries, or climbing stairs, our goal is to ensure you do it with ease, strength, and confidence.”

Get ripped and get your ROAR back with PrimalThenics!

For more info, go to

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