Novato SEO & Content Experts Help Small Businesses Rank Higher On Google

Sep 11, 2024

If your company isn’t being seen on Google, you’re leaving sales on the table. Partner with the SEO experts at Automagic Media (415-307-5228), a leading digital marketing agency based in Novato, CA, for the results you need.

No matter how fantastic your company's products and services are, and how much your core clientele love you, if you're not ranking above your competition on Google, your business is virtually invisible to new audiences who may be searching for what you offer.

The SEO experts at Automagic Media are here to help you make some noise on the SERPs (search engine results pages). Get more leads and grow your business with Automagic Media at the helm of your digital marketing, and prepare for banner returns. Learn more at


Every few years, Google updates its algorithm to deliver an improved search and find experience for today's consumers. This means companies with outdated content and technical aspects on their websites that are not in alignment with new ranking criteria will be buried underneath the websites that are.

This is both good news and bad news.

If you're a small business with an optimized website that is also pumping out high-value content, you can outrank companies that aren't paying attention, no matter their size or their marketing budget. But if you're one of the ones that hasn't had time to worry about your SEO, you're basically handing free business over to your competitors.


With optimized technical and on-site SEO in combination with high-value multiplatform content, Automagic Media helps you achieve better rankings on the SERPs, giving you the competitive edge in attracting and converting shared target audiences.

Did you know that organic search - search results that come from keyword queries and not search ads - delivers 53% of all website visits? Here's the thing: unlike paid ads which drive traffic over a predetermined timeframe, SEO is sustainable, helping you benefit from continued website visits, conversions, and sales.

Automagic Media balances both paid and organic search strategies to optimize your visibility and drive traffic without overtaxing your budget. Through properly tailored search engine marketing (optimized website content, technical SEO, and PPC), Automagic Media can help you achieve tangible results.

An agency spokesperson explains:

“We believe small businesses should have the same opportunity as any other business. Our SEO and digital marketing expertise help business owners drive more leads and conversions so they can grow and thrive."


To create an effective search marketing campaign on your behalf, the teams at Automagic Media will begin by clarifying your objectives. This is followed by an audit of your current online presence; your website's analytics; and your target audience's needs, wants, and behaviors. They'll even develop new audience personas and test them out against visits to your website to help you identify and reach more customers, fueling additional growth. They'll tighten up all your SEO channels and develop high-value content designed to attract, inform, and convert in-market consumers.

The campaigns they develop can contain one of several lead generation tactics, such as landing page lead magnets, paid ads on Facebook and other channels, email marketing, and/or social media marketing. Reputation management aimed at optimizing your authority and driving conversions is also part of their toolkit.


When an accounting firm began experiencing a slump during the pandemic, they reached out to Automagic Media for help. The agency optimized their landing page and ran a powerful paid ads campaign to align with the firm's desire for social growth. Within 10 weeks, the firm had reached over 19,700 prospect clients, collected 205 high-converting leads, achieved a 70.5% conversion rate, and enjoyed an 828% ROI.

Another client remarked recently, “This team is dedicated, responsive, and ensures open communication. Once they understand your goals, they will achieve them. Five stars.”

You’ve got the products, the passion, and the potential to grow. Now it’s time to back that up with a smart, results-driven marketing strategy. Automagic Media’s expertise in SEO and digital marketing puts you ahead of the competition so when in-market customers are searching for your products and services using keywords like "near me" it's you they'll see. Contact Automagic Media to learn how the team can help you grow your business at

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