
Online tutor booking in Malaysia comes with Tuition Hero

Apr 20, 2017

The new Tuition Hero gives a unique learning experience from competent tutors carefully selected to teach students from all over Malaysia.

The new tutor-centered school for students, Tuition Hero, is not like other educational institutions in Malaysia, but, with it's unique approach to teaching they are looking to educate more and more young students every year.

This school was opened online by several tutors who wanted to cater to parents looking to hire tutors for their kids. A unique learning environment where there is a more personal connection between tutor and tutee to facilitate better learning.Parents can go to Tuition Hero online to find a match for their child. They will find a competent tutor who will teach students what they need to learn specific to their parents request. Their system was built to find a tutor best suited for every students.

There are many home tutoring services in Malaysia, but, Tuition Hero has built a kind of service that is unique to their company. For one, the tutor hired for a student may change if the parent's or child's evaluation during their first session is favorable.

A new tutor will come in without any hassle on the parents part until an excellent match is achieved. All the previous sessions will also be free of charge which means the parents will only start paying the tutor once they are satisfied with the tutor teaching their kid.

Tuition has an army of 2,500 tutors carefully selected and checked to deliver only high quality learning to every session they have with their clients. Parents can look up information about their tutor before they even get to teaching.

The satisfaction rate of all the Tuition Hero tutors stands at a very high 80 percent. This means parents rarely replace tutors they got for the first time to teach their child. It is a mark of quality which the tutoring service provides.

Students will be given all the essential learning tools to better absorb information from their lessons. Parents can also call the Tuition Hero support team to air out their concerns and questions. All these information and many more can be found in their website right at http://tuitionhero.my.

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