Adrienne Lloyd’s healthcare workflow software, which is now part of Project 10K, will help you maximize your staff’s productivity while ensuring that they have a decent work-life balance.
The mass resignation of healthcare workers can put your hospital or clinic in a financially fatal tailspin. Avoid pushing your staff to that drastic situation by employing OptimizeFlow!
Now part of Project 10K, Adrienne Lloyd's healthcare staff optimization software helps hospitals or clinics visualize their team’s workload and performance to avoid staff burnout and poor patient management.
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Healthcare is becoming more and more digital, owing to the development of artificial intelligence, which makes transactions safer, more secure, and in some cases, completely anonymous.
OptimizeFlow is paving the way for better, more efficient workforce management for healthcare service providers. A study done by the Office of the Surgeon General found that healthcare workers are often overworked and burnt out from the number of patients they have to take care of on a daily basis. However, many hospitals and healthcare facilities are hesitant to hire more workers because of the seasonality of the heavy workload.
For example, during the flu season or long weekends, emergency cases and patients increase significantly. This demand, however, dies down after a few days or weeks, so the demand for healthcare professionals goes back to normal.
So you might be asking: how do I find the sweet spot between productivity and maximum ROI?
With OptimizeFlow, you are able to maximize your workers’ productivity levels. The software uses a three-pronged approach - measuring individual and team performance, providing accurate and actionable data that increases ROI, and projecting future staffing needs across different departments and locations.
The company believes that measuring individual and team performance is important because it increases accountability and transparency within the organization. With a more stable attendance and performance record, you are able to project future staffing needs and ensure smooth patient workflows.
OptimizeFlow’s accurate and actionable time-based sets of information are gathered from all locations and departments. This information can help with financial planning and determining when and how many more employees need to be hired for certain departments or the entire hospital or healthcare center.
Project 10K sees the potential of OptimizeFlow’s growth and widespread use because understaffing in healthcare is an issue in many countries, including the US. Artificial intelligence can help improve the quality of service you provide without it taking a toll on the mental and physical health of your employees.
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