
Order In Bulk The Best Canadian-Made High Efficiency MERV 8 Home Furnace Filters

Jan 18, 2023

If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that the quality of our indoor air is vital to our health. If you don’t have adequate filtration in your HVAC, you’re asking for trouble. Luckily, United Filter MERV 8 screens keep you and your system healthy.

Order In Bulk The Best Canadian-Made High Efficiency MERV 8 Home Furnace Filters

Concerned about the quality of your indoor air? Trap harmful contaminants and VOCs with the help of United Filter - for a happy HVAC, they've got your back!

The renowned Mississauga, ON-based company specializes in the manufacturing and distribution of HVAC filtration solutions. They've just updated their inventory with MERV 8 HVAC and furnace filter products, so check out the web store today!

For a real breath of fresh air and a healthier home, trust United Filter. More details at https://unitedfilter.com

United Filter Company Ltd. offers you effective and proven solutions to trapping unwanted dust, pollen, pet dander, mould, and bacteria to prevent blockages in your heating and cooling systems. Whether you're a renter, homeowner, or landlord, its MERV 8 filter will keep your HVAC apparatus working as it should, improving performance and maintaining health and safety in the process.

Its products use hypoallergenic and pleated electrostatic material to catch a host of household contaminants. The new filters are all independently tested to ensure the highest level of quality control and are approved for safe application in both furnaces and air conditioning systems.

According to Public Health Ontario, filtration and ventilation are vital to the improvement of indoor air quality. Capturing airborne particles and releasing gases and vapours greatly reduces the health risk to a building's occupants. The effectiveness of a filter is measured using the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). These ratings range from one to 16 with a higher number denoting a greater filtration capacity.

The latest United Filter MERV 8 filtration screens measure 20 x 25 x 1 inch and ship as a case of 12. The filters are made from special synthetic fibres that won't absorb moisture and thus do not support microbial growth. The filters are made with beverage-grade cardboard frames and have a steel mesh for rigidity. The product traps at least 90% of airborne particles without negatively impacting airflow. Any drop in air pressure is extremely low while the dust-holding capacity is among the best in the industry.

The company offers a wide range of HVAC filters for both residential and commercial settings. In addition to its furnace screens, United Filter also supplies bag-based, rigid box, and HEPA filters and offers complimentary shipping across Ontario and Quebec. Whatever you need, you'll find it here.

A spokesperson says, “Most people pay little attention to their HVAC system. As long as it’s keeping them warm during winter and cool during summer, why worry about it? We get it. Beautiful mouldings and casements, or even bigger investments like new roofing and windows can make a dramatic difference. But there can be a real impact with small things and choosing the right filter is one of them.”

For more info, go to https://unitedfilter.com/collections/1-inch-furnace-filters/20x25x1

Keep your HVAC on track with United Filter!

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