OTC Rechargeable Hearing Aids: Nano Makes Affordable & Reliable CIC Styles

Jun 19, 2024

Nano Hearing Aids’ (888-310-6266) affordable CIC Recharge over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids come with a powerful rechargeable battery and a smart charging case for even better hearing convenience.

If you’re looking for OTC hearing aids that are affordable, easy to use, comfortable, nearly invisible, and now fully rechargeable, Nano Hearing Aids thinks their CIC Recharge aids may be just right for you.

Shop this popular pair at https://nanohearingaids.com/products/cic-invisible-hearing-aids-rechargeable

OTC Hearing Aids That Are Rechargeable Up To 12 Hours

Nano Hearing Aids, which specializes in making affordable OTC hearing aids for adults over the age of 18 with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss, offers their entry-level CIC Recharge model with a rechargeable battery that can give you a full day of charge on just one recharge.

“Our Nano CIC Recharge hearing aids are now fully rechargeable, saving you tons of money on battery costs,” said a spokesperson for the OTC hearing aid makers. “You can get up to 12 hours of quality sound on a single charge and recharge your hearing aids two times with a fully charged case. This means you will never have to worry about finding power. Simply plug the case in to charge the aids and the case.”

A Nearly Invisible & Easy To Use Hearing Solution

The hearing aid makers have also packed more useful and user-friendly features into this popular entry-level model for you.

The CIC Recharge, which still starts from $297 RRP, boasts a nearly invisible completely-in-canal (CIC) style and a simple and comfortable push-button control, that you’ll love if you have arthritis or another dexterity issue.

Shop More CIC, RIC, BTE & ITE Models

Alongside their trusted base model, Nano Hearing Aids offers a new suite of OTC hearing aids for perceived mild to moderate loss.

Their R&D team is particularly proud of their new advanced Audacity RIC aids, which feature a new receiver in canal (RIC) design, and an innovative Bluetooth function that will allow you to directly stream music and take and make phone calls.

If you’re in the market for hearing aids, this new model is now ready to ship, alongside a comprehensive selection of FDA-registered behind-the-ear (BTE) and in-the-ear (ITE) styles.

Nano Hearing Aids, For Friendly Customer Service

Nano Hearing Aids recommends both their dependable CIC Recharge aids and their new OTC aids to you if you are looking for an affordable, practical, and user-friendly way to reclaim your hearing without needing a prescription.

Their friendly customer assistance team is available online and over the phone to answer any questions you have about their hearing aid technology, pricing, insurance, and more.

Their spokesperson added, “Our knowledgeable and experienced team is here to assist you in placing an order, choosing the right hearing aids for your needs, and answering any questions you might have along your hearing journey.”

Nano is committed to helping you hear better.

Get their support and purchase your new OTC hearing aids at https://nanohearingaids.com/

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