Overcome Depression in 7 Steps-New Movie Shows How to Achieve Joy & Contentment

Apr 20, 2022

Dr. Christine Sauer MD ND explains In her first movie: “Becoming Sparkling Suzie”, how all humans can improve their mental health and how they can walk their journey through their darkness to accepting themselves with all their imperfections.

Overcome Depression in 7 Steps-New Movie Shows How to Achieve Joy & Contentment

Many people feel the need to be perfect, to avoid mistakes and become “good enough”. This often lays at the root of depression, anxiety, sadness and even despair, since by doing this, they tend to feel their inner emptiness and lack of worthiness even more.

Most humans strive for personal growth and self-improvement, and the intense longing to go beyond human circumstances is part of all people. That’s why most people love to gaze at the starry night sky and dream of what could be.

But not all are born into circumstances that make life easy, and life happenings often throw them off their paths.

The new movie “Becoming Sparkling Suzie” is based on the (fictional) journey of Harried Harriette to a better life. It depicts her quest and journey to overcome sadness and despair to living her best life, to recover the sparkle in her eyes and to get the spring in her step back.

She rises up from an abusive childhood and marriage and walks, guided by Luna, through the 7 steps all humans must go through to become - Sparkling Suzie!


“What makes me sparkle every day is the acceptance of myself as the person I truly am - with all my flaws, all my faults, all my possibilities and - all my sparkles! To truly know and love myself as I am. And then to live forward brightening the way for others.” - Luna (aka Dr. Christine Sauer) In: “Becoming Sparkling Suzie”

The author of the movie, Dr. Christine Sauer, is a physician, naturopath, holistic mental health coach, brain health professional and trainer, bestselling author, speaker, and the creator of the “Recover Your Sparkle” Program for personal transformation. In the movie, she plays Luna, a guide to Harried Harriette, a woman wrought by emotional pain and despair of life.

“It’s Never Too Late To Live Your Best Life” - Dr. Christine Sauer

Having gone through her own “dark night of the soul”, Dr. Christine - Luna compares herself with a mountain guide, leading Harriette through her darkness, her “tunnel” to the brightness and the light at the end and to a life that is meaningful, full of energy, love, joy, passion and purpose.

Enjoyable and inspirational, the movie is left imperfect on purpose, to illustrate how humans only can achieve perfection, health, and happiness by embracing their flaws, imperfections and mistakes and accepting - and loving - themselves and others just the way they are - and having fun along the way.

This seeming contradiction is explained in the movie as the path to true personal growth and inner peace.

Watch the movie and learn more about Dr. Christine here: https://docchristine.com/sparkle

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