Peace Of Mind 101 Launches New Couse On Manifesting Personal Freedom, Joy

Sep 11, 2024

Join Coach Paul Sahota of Peace of Mind 101 as he launches a new personal development and manifestation course called, “Peace of Mind Mastery”.

You may be burned out from work and not even know it. Our impression of “burnout” is the caricature of a person with massive eye bags drinking their 10th cup of coffee (perhaps with a touch of alcohol). But that’s an exaggeration and you know it. Burnout can present itself as feeling constantly irritable or starting to feel cynical about work. “It doesn’t matter what I do – it will be terrible!” Does this sound familiar? The truth is: Feeling overwhelmed causes multiple effects, not least of which is a decreased sense of self-esteem.

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Experience peace of mind – again

Find your joy again with the latest course by Coach Paul Sahota of Peace of Mind 101. The new self-awareness and manifestation course, “Peace of Mind Mastery”, helps you identify and align with your core values to attract positive energy and manifest success. The goal of the personal development program is to guide you to achieve balance in your life by silencing your inner critic. According to Coach Paul, creating peace of mind is key to achieving lasting success. 

This plays a crucial role in removing burnout. Now, it’s no longer “I have to do this because X and Y”, but “I can do this because I can – but only after I take care of ME first.”

Live a life of fulfillment

The on-demand manifestation course takes a radical approach to wellness. Unlike traditional manifestation guides that tell you to simply “think happy thoughts”, Peace of Mind Mastery acknowledges the importance of negative feelings. You are taught to feel your emotions, even if they are bad, but recognize that these feelings are not the “end-all, be-all” of your life. By acknowledging your current emotional and mental state, you have a clearer view of the necessary changes you must make in your life.

He writes, “With the knowledge and self-awareness gained through the training, you will be able to set meaningful and achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Imagine waking up every day with a clear sense of purpose and direction. With our course, you can turn your dreams into reality and start taking action towards a happier, more fulfilling life.”

The “trick” (if it can be called that) to manifestation is that it doesn’t require you to always be happy or always smiling. Even the happiest people in the world don’t do that. However, the key is feeling what you have to feel at the moment; recognizing that they are valid and what you are feeling at present; and understanding that these are temporary feelings. With the course, you learn to develop more love and peace in your mind and heart so you can create a life of your own design and not just a life by default. 

Create new life goals

As a student of the course, you will learn how to meditate through a combination of instructional materials and interactive materials. Over time, you learn to self-reflect without negativity and see your current situation for what it is without bias or stress. This, in turn, helps you better visualize what you want and manifest your desires much faster. It is an innovative goal-setting course that presents manifestation as a natural outcome of self-reflection and self-love. Coach Paul emphasizes that manifestation is realized much faster when people improve all aspects of their lives, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Think of manifestation as filling a cup of your life. You can’t experience any goodness if your cup is currently filled with negativity. You must first release the poisons in your soul cup to be ready to receive the goodness of your self-reflection.

You can also request personalized support from Coach Paul himself. Those who require further guidance are welcome to a free guide called “How to Create Peace of Mind”, which elaborates on the topics learned in the course.

Go to so you can learn more. 

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