Planning To Migrate Overseas? Y-Axis Can Help Get You A PR Visa

Dec 30, 2021

Indian residents who want to apply for a permanent resident (PR) visa to an English-speaking, developed country can consult Y-Axis Overseas Careers to determine which country is most ideally suited for them to apply to.

Planning To Migrate Overseas? Y-Axis Can Help Get You A PR Visa

Bored with your job? Looking for excitement? Want a better lifestyle? Y-Axis Overseas Careers can help you realize your overseas dream.

The updated services by Y-Axis include a form for eligibility evaluation so that you know in advance which countries you might apply to most successfully.

These services will be important to you if you plan to relocate to work overseas, study abroad, or settle in an English-speaking, developed country.

A permanent resident (PR) visa can be a better investment for you and your family than stocks or even investing in gold. A PR visa allows you to go in and out of the country at will, working within the country without the requirement for a sponsor.

India recently recognized “dual citizenship”. You now gain citizenship in another country without losing your Indian citizenship.

Living abroad can mean a better job, resulting in an improved quality of life. Migrating overseas can also be a way for you to simply have an adventure of a lifetime.

A PR visa does not give you citizenship automatically. Nevertheless, with a PR visa, you will be considered a permanent resident of that country and may apply for citizenship after some years.

English-speaking developed countries – like Canada and Australia – seek to attract people with skills, while, at the same time, looking to increase population in the under-populated and regional areas.

Generally, countries that offer PR visas use a points-based system to determine which applicants can receive one of their highly-valued PR visas.

To determine whether an individual is likely to be awarded a coveted PR visa, Y-Axis has an eligibility evaluator that uses a points calculator to determine your eligibility to migrate overseas too – Canada, Australia, the UK, and Germany.

By answering some basic questions on Y-Axis Eligibility Calculator, you can make an informed decision about the most suitable country for you to apply to for a PR visa. Moreover, the eligibility evaluation lets you identify and address any weak areas in your profile before making an official application.

Established in 1999, Y-Axis currently has 1100+ employees in 40+ branches throughout the world. Y-Axis is India’s premier overseas career consultant, presumably the world’s largest B2C immigration firm.

As a Licensed Recruitment Agent in India and an IATA travel agent, Y-Axis receives most of its customers through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Here is what a satisfied customer said, “I am a permanent resident of Canada. My entire process was handled by Y-Axis, and I really appreciate all their hard work. My message to them is to keep up the good work!”

The right time is now – stop the talk and take real action.

Living abroad is a great way to expand your horizons. Experience a different culture and make many new friends. Be part of an entirely new way of life. 

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