Non-profit organization and online job board disABLEDperson, Inc. is committed to matching qualified professionals with the right employers to reduce unemployment among those with disabilities.
So, your job application was placed in the "yes" pile, and now you get to really shine during the interview. But how do you broach your disability so you showcase your abilities?
A fantastic report released by the founders of online job board disABLEDperson, Inc. gives you all kinds of tips you can follow to make exactly the impression you want so you can land your dream job.
Titled “Self-Promote Your Disability as a Strength During an Interview,” the report notes that one in four people in the US have a disability and says that numbers like these should act as a springboard for candid discussions that will help you shine. 26% of the population is pretty significant. So instead of feeling concerned, lean into what separates you from the pack and wow them with your confidence.
Learn how to stand out among the interview competition with the tips you'll find in this report:
No one needs to remind you that the world still has some catching up to do when it comes to accessibility and other challenges you face; however, the interview process does not have to fall into this category. In their report, the specialists at disABLEDperson, Inc. provide examples you can follow to distinguish your disability as an asset.
Let's begin!
First of all, you need to understand your rights before going into your interview. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, contains rules around what employers cannot do when it comes to a disabled applicant or worker, and being aware of these stipulations gives you the knowledge you may need to mitigate unprofessionalism and prevent discrimination on the part of an interviewer.
With these rights in might, the report says you can make a strong impression by highlighting your adaptability and other transferable skills.
Provide examples of your achievements, focus on your marketable skills, and be upfront about what might be considered a weakness to demonstrate a level of confidence that will not go unnoticed.
Founded in 2002, disABLEDperson, Inc. is a public charity organization committed to facilitating disability employment.
As a comprehensive and fully accessible online job board, the platform partners with hundreds of employers who have a strong desire to hire qualified applicants just like you.
With over 300,000 jobs posted directly from employers and not funneled by aggregator software, the site has what it takes to match you to the right employer and get you going on your career.
Read “Self-Promote Your Disability as a Strength During an Interview” released by disABLEDperson, Inc. and learn how to communicate the strengths you know you possess to employers whose goal is to hire the most qualified candidate.
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