If you’re a professional wanting to learn more about the ethical and legal challenges surrounding technology adoption, Dr. Steven A. Wright explores real-world case studies and best practices in his book.
Wondering how your ethics and values may affect the adoption of emerging technologies in your work? Explore this question and others with help from Dr. Steven A. Wright!
Learn more at https://www.amazon.com/Ethics-Law-Technology-Adoption-Navigating/dp/B0C7J7PDC6
In his book, “Ethics, Law and Technology Adoption: Navigating Technology Adoption Challenges,” Dr. Wright covers legal and ethical frameworks, obstacles, and opportunities.
Suitable for professionals from a wide range of backgrounds - including biotechnology, AI, robotics, cybersecurity, and fintech - the guidebook explores ways in which ethics and law are being applied to real-world case studies and examples.
A study published in the Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change shows that the process of technology adoption and implementation is often affected by inherent biases, showing a need for the conscious application of ethical frameworks. With a background in law and decades of experience working as a technology developer and researcher, Dr. Steven A. Wright helps you gain a better understanding of the fundamental issues at stake.
“Technology is transforming our world in unprecedented ways, opening up new possibilities and challenges for professionals in various fields and domains,” says Dr. Wright. “These challenges in technology confront us all with a variety of issues from a technology ethics perspective.”
With a focus on practical techniques, the book explores ways in which you can make ethical and legal decisions that align with your values and responsibilities, while also leveraging technology to create value and impact in your work and society.
Throughout the book, Dr. Wright outlines the essential ethical frameworks and principles that guide technology development and deployment, as well as key legal issues or challenges that arise from the clash between new technologies and old laws.
You'll come away with fresh set of critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can help you succeed in the era of technology innovation, whether you are working as a business executive, lawyer, entrepreneur, or technology researcher.
Topics contained in the book include advice on negotiating and drafting contracts or technology agreements, client case management for disputes or litigation, updates on the latest legal trends and developments, and detailed advice for identifying and implementing best practices that align with your moral and ethical principles.
Incorporate expert legal and ethical viewpoints into your work with help from Dr. Steven A. Wright!
Find more information and order your copy of the book at https://www.drstevenawright.com/ethics-law-and-technology-adoption