Read This New Book For Personal Transformation And Uncover Your Hidden Greatness

Jul 19, 2023

Improve your personal and professional life with this book from authors Scott and Mark Flowers! Unveiling Your Value: Revealing Your Expertise & Finding Your Inner Blackbelt is now available on Amazon in hardcover, e-book, and audio format.

Alright. We've all been there. Nothing seems to be going your way. Dead-end career. Personal life is a joke. You feel like you've got nothing to offer. Even when things work out, you find it hard to take credit.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Chances are you just haven't found a way to unleash your inner blackbelt - metaphorically speaking.

Before you go to sign up for the nearest beginning karate class, pick up Unveiling Your Value: Revealing Your Expertise & Finding Your Inner Blackbelt by Scott and Mark Flowers.

In this book, the authors channel their shared experience in academia and corporate environments to empower you to find your self-worth in everyday life.

Check out for more.

'Unveiling Your Value' is a book created in response to the increasing number of individuals who are interested in improving their mental health, but also their employment status. The title reached #1 in Kindle downloads during its opening weekend and has been highly rated by readers who enjoyed the mix of anecdotes, famous quotes, and personal exercises that expose hidden expertise.

Consider this: a recent Gallup study noted that only about 15% of workers feel engaged in their careers with many also reporting that they feel directionless professionally. If that sounds like you, this book is for you! 'Unveiling Your Value' contains actionable steps to overcome obstacles like self-doubt and imposter syndrome that hamper professional fulfillment.

Through their own experiences as consultants, coaches and educators, authors Scott and Mark Flowers noticed many people struggle with identifying personal skillsets and professional contributions. 'Unveiling Your Value' is meant to function as a guidebook for self-discovery and embracing individual greatness. By presenting a comprehensive process that helps to identify your unique talents, the authors help you realize your previously unseen potential and encourage you to make a notable impact in your work and personal life.

About the authors:

Mark Flowers is an assistant professor of economics at Georgia State University Perimeter College. He’s worked as a Virtual Fellow for the US State Department and has written previously about politics and economics. Scott Flowers is a John Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach and has served as a consultant and NGO/non-profit board member.

A satisfied reader said: “This was an easy-to-read and informative book that covers pretty much everything that a lot of people struggle with. It helps put a different perspective on things that most people would have a negative view on and spin it into something productive.”

Improve your self-esteem through a personal transitional change and set yourself on the path to success with this book!

Order the book at

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