
Read this Report on High-Capacity Magazine Regulation Program For Less Gun Crime

Apr 28, 2021

Parallel President’s has the alternative gun control plan the US needs! Visit their website today to read the report today.

Are you passionate about protecting your rights, but feel that adequate gun control is essential? Read Parallel President’s latest report on its unique gun control plan for the United States.

Parallel President, an American civic action website, has just announced the release of a new report outlining its alternative gun control plan.

Go to https://parallelpresident.com/the-issues/issue-11 for more information.

This latest release will help advance public discourse by providing you with innovative gun control solutions, without further dividing the population on the issue.

The United States has the highest rates of gun violence deaths among wealthy nations. Experts agree that a key driver of the country’s gun violence and mass-shootings is the sale of high-capacity magazines, which contain more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

High-capacity magazines were originally designed for combat situations and are not used for hunting or sporting. Gun control advocates say that restrictions on high-capacity magazines could curb mass-shootings and significantly lowering gun-related death rates.

Parallel President responds to these trends by releasing its alternative gun control plan, which proposes banning high-capacity magazines. Under this plan, the sale and distribution of high-capacity magazines would be punishable under federal law.

If you wish to keep your high-capacity magazines, you would have to undergo mandatory training and enhanced mental health evaluations. Upon completing these requirements, the government would issue you with a license to possess high-capacity magazines.

The website also suggests that the federal government implement a buyback program wherein you could turn in your high-capacity magazines for cash.

Finally, the website also suggests that the gun industry could develop and produce new, compliant magazines for gun owners, creating more jobs.

Parallel President’s gun control plan is specifically designed to respect the 2nd amendment while acknowledging the need for some restrictions on the sale of guns to protect American citizens.

In addition to its report on gun control, the website also contains alternatives to other issues such as civil rights, freedom of the press and the environment. This latest announcement is in line with Parallel President’s commitment to providing you with common sense alternatives to the issues that currently dominate American public discourse.

A spokesperson said: “The Parallel President’s unique gun control plan balances protecting innocent lives and protecting freedom. We believe no one loses under our plan. The country will be safer, there will be fewer fatalities and rights will be protected.”

Never compromise on your rights as an American citizen for safety! Read Parallel President’s report today for the alternative gun control plan you’ve been looking for.

Parallel President has the solutions to the issues you care about as an American citizen. Go to https://parallelpresident.com to learn more about the gun control alternative your country needs!

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