Recently Laid Off? This Utility Bill Auditing Platform Can Lower Your Expenses

Jun 1, 2024

Make sure you’re not overpaying for basic monthly services like utilities and telecommunications. Recession Resister is a trusted expense management platform that automatically audits your monthly bills to identify mistakes and refund your overpayments.

Being laid off from your job because companies are trying to do more with less just isn't fair. Finding out you've been overpaying for your utilities, TV, mobile phone, and other monthly expenses because service providers are charging more for less can add insult to injury—until you realize you can get all those overpayments back.

How do you find out where you might have overpaid and how much of a refund you're owed? By using Recession Resister, a tech-based utility bill auditing service you can use it for all your monthly expenses. Ready for that refund? Try Recession Resister right now at


If you were recently laid off, you are not alone. More than 90,000 Americans lost their jobs in March 2024 due to cutbacks and streamlining strategies. And while a lot of people are in the same boat, there's only one person responsible for paying your monthly bills...

Recession Resister understands, and they're here to help.

Use Recession Resister to see if you're overpaying for your basic home services. Then get a potentially sizeable refund while you benefit from reduced monthly expenses going forward.

It's a win/win for you/you!


Recession Resister is easily accessible to anyone affected by a recent layoff or career transition offering a lifeline when you're facing financial strain. The platform gives your budget some breathing room over the long term, and your savings account a nice little injection of free funds.

Here's what a company spokesperson wants you to know:

“Did you know you are likely overpaying for many of the services you use every day? In fact, Americans are overpaying for basic monthly services by $60 billion annually. We're helping people like you put that money back into your pocket, where it belongs.”

Recession Resister can be used to reduce the cost of your:

  • TV, 
  • Internet, 
  • Mobile, 
  • Satellite, 
  • Electricity and 
  • Security services.

To use Recession Resister, simply upload your paid bills to the company’s secure platform portal which uses smart technology to quickly analyze bills dating back up to three years.

Once posting mistakes, ineligible fees, redundant fees, and any other egregious charges are identified, the company’s negotiations teams will contact your service providers to secure the refunds you deserve and to correct all mistakes on your behalf.

You don't need to lift a finger.


While Recession Resister says that technically their customers could do what their software and their negotiations teams do to lower their monthly expenses, but who has time to comb through dozens of paid invoices, or the desire to haggle with customer service reps over eliminating mistakes and reconciling overpayments with a refund? Not many.

And here's a bonus: In addition to their bill auditing service, Recession Resister also offers a utility company auto-switching service that connects you with the utility company in your area charging the lowest fees for your contracted services.

There are savings to be had across the board! You just need Recession Resister to uncover them.

A recent customer says, "I submitted three bills and Bill Saver saved for me more than $1,700. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain."

Maybe being laid off from your job isn't such a bad thing. You can move into something more suitable that makes you happier, and now that you have Recession Resister by your side, you'll never pay a penny more than you should for your household services. 

Find out what Recession Resister can do for you, at

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