The world of cigars, whiskeys, and BBQs offers a huge variety of flavor and taste combinations, and Smoke Signals Weekly is a free newsletter that helps you move beyond your comfort zone.
If you’d like to learn more about cigar, whiskey, and BBQ flavors, but don’t know where to begin, Smoke Signals Weekly is the answer. Becoming a subscriber is entirely free, and you’ll receive weekly articles and reviews that explore both popular and unusual products.
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Cigars, whiskey, and BBQs complement each other in terms of flavor, and therefore have a long-standing association. This newsletter combines all three into one resource, both to help you explore new options and to create a vibrant community.
“Smoke Signals Weekly dives deep into the heart of what makes cigars, whiskey, and BBQ not just hobbies, but a way of life,” a company representative explained. “Each issue is packed with exclusive reviews, savory recipes, and insider tips that transform every sip and smoke into a journey of discovery.”
According to a recent report from Market Data Forecast, the global whiskey market is valued at USD 65.62 as of this year, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% over the next five years, reaching almost USD 90 billion by 2029. While the market is underpinned by famous Scottish and American brands, smaller artisan producers offer a wide variety of flavor profiles.
Smoke Signals Weekly will cover both popular and less-well-known whiskeys, and the goal is to make it accessible for both connoisseurs and those who are just beginning to explore different options. To that end, the team plans to include a range of information pieces giving insights and histories about different brands.
Similar to whiskey, cigars can come in a range of flavors, such as spicy, sweet, earthy, or nutty. The Smoke Signals Weekly team explains that cigar flavors can often complement specific whiskeys, and the newsletter is designed to help you learn how to put one with the other.
“We’re creatures of habit, and it’s not unusual to stick to the same brands and flavors for years,” the company continues. “Many cigar, whiskey, and BBQ enthusiasts might be interested in trying different products, but they don’t know where to begin. That’s why we created Smoke Signals Weekly.”
Join over 1,000 subscribers who are already discovering the hidden secrets of cigar, whiskey, and BBQ flavors.
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