Reduce Airborne Bacteria With The Best Air Purifiers For Your Dental Practice

Jun 7, 2021

Over 7,000 studies have shown the effectiveness of PCO technology. Get an Airocide air purifier for your dental clinic today!

Improve air quality in your dental clinic - get an Airocide air purifier from Think Air Purifiers to eliminate airborne pathogens in your office! 

Go to to learn more. 

The launch of the Airocide air purifiers campaign aims to provide you with the equipment to keep your dental clinic clean and safe for both staff and clients. 

The purifiers are based on photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) technology, which was originally developed by NASA for use in the International Space Station. PCO technology has been extensively studied, with over 7,000 scientific articles published on the subject. The results have consistently shown that PCO air purifiers can eliminate pathogens, mold, and fungus in the air. In particular, studies on Airocide devices have found reductions in airborne microbes of up to 300%. 

On average, dental practices that employ Airocide see an 81% reduction in airborne bacteria and mold. Think Air Purifiers offers the highly effective Airocide line to help your dental clinic reap these benefits.  

The product technology is classified as a class II medical device by the FDA, and they are used by many medical practices to eliminate bacteria and other airborne microbes. They also eliminate volatile organic compounds and unpleasant odors, which helps your patients feel more comfortable.

The company offers 3 models, which are the APS-200, APS-300, and APS-1000XL. All are energy efficient. The APS-200 and APS-300 models consume 60 watts to operate, whereas the APS-1000XL consumes 73 watts. Maintaining the air purifiers is a simple process, and the reaction chamber is easy to replace.

You can buy Airocide products at

Those who use Airocide products in their homes report excellent results, as a satisfied customer said: “Our Airocide APS-300 was well packaged with an easy to follow instruction guide. Set up is a breeze. I have had seasonal allergies for years. I can feel the difference in how much less congested I am when I wake up after 2 nights. I don’t sneeze or cough when I am in the bedroom anymore.”

Reduce airborne mold, bacteria, and fungus in your dental clinic - visit to learn how technology developed by NASA can help you and your dental clinic! 

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