Root Causes of Back Pain and Best Treatment Explained By Decatur GA Chiropractor

Nov 26, 2019

Why is neck and back pain treatment so often ineffective? This article by Atlanta back doctor and spine specialist Dr. Craig Castanet reveals the root cause and most effective treatments for chronic neck and back pain.

  • root causes of back pain and best treatment explained by decatur ga chiropractor
  • root causes of back pain and best treatment explained by decatur ga chiropractor
  • root causes of back pain and best treatment explained by decatur ga chiropractor
  • root causes of back pain and best treatment explained by decatur ga chiropractor
  • root causes of back pain and best treatment explained by decatur ga chiropractor

Why Is Neck and Back Pain Treatment, So Often, Ineffective?

I’m going to keep this theme very simple, because the truth, in this matter, is very simple. The reason that humans have neck and back pain, 98% of the time, has to do with the process we all know about; the slow, progressive, degeneration of our spines. And this process starts with the degeneration of our spinal discs. 

Our spinal discs are the soft-tissue, ligamentous structures between each of our small, spinal bones/vertebrae. The discs are like tires, except that they are filled with water, not air. And the outer “treads” of our discs wear out, just like the rest of our bodies, e.g. knees, hips, shoulders, etc. (These degenerative changes can be improved, but let me continue with this explanation). 

As the outer treads of the disc wear out, the inner part of the disc, which is softer- kind of like crab meat- can bulge out, or herniate out, through the degenerating treads, and pinch the nerves in our spinal canal, causing pain down the arms or legs, where the nerves travel. 

The parts of our spine, which can cause pain, are our outer disc fibers, our joints, and our nerves. These are the common sources of pain. As discs begin to degenerate, as children, we don’t feel pain, because the inner part of the disc, where degeneration starts, is not painful. As the degeneration progresses, the outer disc fibers become involved, and that causes our first pains. 

By the way, when pain is felt, our muscles in the area, become tight, in order to protect our injured area, by preventing it from moving. We feel the muscle tightness, but it is not the source of the pain. And the muscle tightness will go away, ONLY, when the underlying problem gets better. If the physical therapist or chiropractor, or other provider, treats the muscle tightness, thinking it is the problem, that is a pointless waste of time. It may go away temporarily, with various treatments, like electrical stimulation, or stretching, or adjustments, but will recur until the cause is treated, effectively.

On another note, do not apply heat to any recent injury. Any injury which is painful, implies that you have inflammation- the chemical process that causes pain. But since inflammation is a chemical process, any heat applied to this chemical reaction, will catalyze, or increase it. The proper treatment, instead, is to apply ice, e.g. 20-30 minutes duration, perhaps 2-4 times daily.

Getting back to the cause, the nature of the problem is the slow, progressive, degenerative, COMPRESSION of the spine, caused by the degenerating, dehydrating spinal disc. The most effective treatment you can provide to your spine, during this process, is to reverse the compression, i.e. pressure on your spine. That means providing a kind of traction to reverse the compression to your spine. This is the most direct, hence effective, way to treat your compressing spine. 

The old method of tractioning your spine, was uncomfortable and very crude, although for many people, it was very effective. The new method of tractioning your spine is, of course, computerized, very comfortable, and very sophisticated. More importantly, it is much more effective for neck and back pain. 

So there you have it. Now you know the cause of 98% of neck and back pain, and why conventional treatments are, so often, ineffective to treat it. And, now you know, how to treat it much more effectively.

Dr. Craig Castanet is a contrarian-thinking, chiropractor, with 32 years experience, including 18 years in orthopedics, physical medicine, and physical therapy, as well as 5 years, part-time, in a neurosurgical practice. He specializes in decompressing neck and back problems, and has found that treatment to be much more effective for neck and back problems. You can learn more at

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