Want to retire comfortably? Diversify your retirement portfolio with annuities! Let Certified Safe Money show you how.
When it comes to matters as important as your retirement, you can never really "over plan." Diversifying your portfolio and making sure you have multiple income sources will ensure a comfortable, worry-free retirement.
Annuities are a low-risk investment product that allows you to have a steady stream of income for the rest of your life.
Upgrade your investment portfolio today! Visit Safe Money Retirement Strategies to get started.
If you are nearing retirement, your investment choices need to be less risky, because it is significantly more difficult to recoup losses at this point in your life. Certified Safe Money recommends annuities because they are secure money investments that guarantee a steady retirement income without the risk of asset loss.
Learn more about annuities at Safe Money Solutions
The safe money expert explains that you can purchase annuities from insurance companies. Once the annuity matures, the insurance company will make payments to you over a set period of time, or for the rest of your life. The most common annuities are fixed annuities and variable annuities.
The specialist also says that fixed annuities require insurance companies to make payments based on an agreed-upon schedule. The amount and frequency of these payments are always the same, regardless of the economic situation. Under variable annuities, the insurance company pays you based on the performance of the annuity investment that year.
This means that on a variable annuity retirement plan, the payouts could be much higher than those of fixed annuities. However, there is also a risk that you will take a small loss when the investment didn't do very well.
Know more about fixed and variable annuities at Safe Money Strategies
However, one thing that you need to do before purchasing annuities is to find a good financial advisor. Certified Safe Money believes that with the right financial advisor, you can access a more comprehensive list of vetted insurance companies that removes all the guesswork associated with retirement planning.
“There are several factors to consider when you are choosing a financial advisor. But taking the extra time and effort to do so could mean the difference between struggling financially in the future or achieving your ultimate financial and retirement income goals,” a spokesperson said.
Find the right financial advisor today! Visit Secure Money Advisors to know more.