Salt Lake City Hazardous Waste Disposal – Get Expert Cleanup & Emergency Service

Sep 7, 2022

Bio Clean of Utah (801-335-3227) continues their 20-year record of excellent service to their customers with an expanded biohazard cleanup service to ensure a healthier, safer Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City Hazardous Waste Disposal - Get Expert Cleanup & Emergency Service

Handling a trauma scene or in-home biohazard is never pleasant, nor is it easy. Proper certification is needed to conduct cleanup operations, and often finding a qualified professional on short notice is easier said than done. Thankfully, the Bio Clean of Utah team is here for you.

To find out more about the important work their team accomplishes, visit

Aside from removing biohazardous waste from crime scenes, the team can also help you eliminate dangerous black mold, which is also a biohazard. Well-established mold colonies can fester and cause much more severe health problems and can even lead to structural damage.

Did you know that being present at a crime scene is highly risky? These areas are usually covered with blood and body fluids that can carry pathogens ranging from common influenza to HIV. That's why you should never attempt to clean up this mess on your own. Crime scene cleanup involves the handling of various potentially biohazardous substances - meaning, leave it to trained professionals. With the proper equipment and procedures, they make sure no one gets infected and the area is thoroughly cleaned. 

Bio Clean of Utah has a team of professionals specialized in biohazard cleanup. Familiar with all government restrictions and regulations regarding the removal and disposal of biohazardous waste, they will take all necessary precautions during a crime or trauma scene cleanup.

The company offers services in Salt Lake City and the surrounding areas, and can assist in the total removal of immediate threats to health, but also associated staining and structural decay.

They are proud to offer emergency cleanup services as well and are on-call 24/7. This is especially valuable in the case of biohazardous waste to minimize the damage to health and property.

Take care that your family is not exposed to health hazards in your area - contact Bio Clean for a consultation!

Recently, the team was contracted to clean a car which had accumulated a hazardous level of filth and needed cleaning before it could be sold. The team accomplished this task valiantly, removing garbage and stains which made the car unusable. Through this work, they display their versatility and willingness to conquer any job.

The Bio Clean team in Salt Lake City is composed of experienced, qualified professionals who are ready to handle any situation. They have been a trusted name in disaster cleanup for 20 years and have dutifully kept their communities healthy and safe.

Experiencing a biohazard emergency? Visit right away! You won't regret it.

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